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Stock video player not working/not receiving MMS


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Apologies in advance as this will probably be rambling and I don't really know where to begin/end with it.

My brother tried to send me a vid, about 8 seconds long, over text ( MMS ). The vid never showed up even after several attempts on his end. He was able to send it to my gmail account and I was able to view it there using MX Player but not the stock video player. The stock video player that came with the phone fails to play it in gmail - it just has the white circle going around and around and never plays it, and if I tap the screen while it's trying to play, a message pops up in an "Android highlighted box" ( only way I know how to describe it ), that says "No URL". I had him try a different video, only 2 seconds long, and the same thing happens ... no playing it, just a white circle in a never-ending loop with "no url" showing up when I tap the video - but I could play the video in MX Player, just no video, only audio.

Conversely, I was able to send him, via MMS, a video I took and he received it with full audio and video.

I had no issues with my Droid Turbo 2 on Verizon's network - this just started happening on the Fi network/Moto X4.

I can use MX Player as a work around for video playing so that's fine. But my biggest concern is that the vids aren't being received in the Messages app. I also tried Message+ and it's the same story.

Is MMS size/length-limited over Fi??? I can't figure out why this won't work.

*side note: I had him try another video ( 3 total ) and it still didn't show up in the Messages app. In addition, my mother was able to receive his vid and it played just fine - but unfortunately I don't have the information on her system or setup and am unable to get those settings.

Again, I am mostly concerned of missing any texts/SMS/MMS as I can use the MX Player as a work around.

Any ideas?


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