Measured from June 14th It logged about 450mb of data. That was about 4 days ago. Then I noticed it ticked down to 370, and now today 259mb..
How is this possible? Some kind of glitch?
You can view it in the My Account app in your phone, or in any browser on a computer by going to and logging in to your account. If both show the same number, then the problem is in T-Mobile's accounting, not in your phone or the My Account app.
If the problem is in T-Mobile's accounting, then it raises the question of whether they might have made a correction to their software because it was overstating users' data usage.
In ICS, you have an option of specifying a usage time period by moving the bars at the sides of the graph. It seems like much of the time it wants to show you how much data you have used in the last week by default. Make sure the movable bars on each side are on the far edges of the data usage graph to make sure you are seeing the full month, and it will tell you underneath the graph the date range you have selected.
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