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Streak 5 Froyo Update for AT&T and Rogers Customers is Here

anyone getting an error about "getprop ro.product.fota.model"

i couldn't copy down the full error message before it rebooted...
I am getting this error too. I am with Rogers, but did the QDL tool stuff and updated to Froyo 2.2 using the Rom from Dell.

Build 12821
OEM Version: GAUSB1A131800
Baseband Version: GAUSB1A131800-US

Did a factory reset and am re downloading from Rogers but have a feeling the update is still not going to work....

There seems to be a 1.6 ROM for AT&T users to revert back to. How about Rogers? I figured, if I revert back to the AT&T 1.6Rom, I still wouldn't be able to update from Rogers as it will not recognize the carrier branding? Don't ask me why, but I'd like to do a carrier provided upgrade to 2.2 if possible.
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Not sure about going back, I downloaded the update this morning about 1am and then went to sleep. Some of it is great, some will be ok, some is annoying.

I have so far just drug everything to the trash can so all the home pages are blank and started reconstructing what I had and liked. I miss the dropdown that had the wifi/3g/bluetooth, etc, but found a "power" widget that seems to do the same thing.

I was surprised as to what got lost in translation, like my google account info, music, but my pictures and all apps are still there. When I bring up an App, my saved information seems to be there.

Some of it will just be getting use to it. The Swipe keyboard is great, the device seems more responsive in general, the phone is different, maybe better, haven't used it allot.

The fact that the home pages rotate is nice, but they don't fit the same which is odd. And some widgets like BW looks great in protrait, but the clock has a black background in landscape.

Overall, I think was I am able to set up my homescreens like they were (not sure why they had to blank everything out) I will be good.

The 2 things that I don't like are the backgrounds. I use to have a different background for each homescreen, now I have 1 for all, so it is harder to tell where I am. It also doesn't fit right in landscape, just see the top of the picture. I also have all 6 homescreens, when I only want 3, not sure I can delete the blank ones.
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