I've had my phone for roughly a year and a half. I've had no serious issues with battery life until 1 - 2 months ago.
Typically I charge my phone via usb while I am at my computer through the evening, and it then remains off the charger until the next evening, unless needed at which point I will use either usb or wall charger. I can charge my phone up full and it will last me approximately 18-20 hours, mostly being idle, sending and recieving occasional IMs and SMS messages. If I do anything like make calls life decreases.
Now here is the big thing, if I enable data (not wifi) and try to do something like facebook or browse the net my battery within a min or so drain completely to red and force the phone to shut down.
As always I keep apps up to date. The only changes I've made to my phone are...
Any and all suggestions or help is appreciated. If there's anything you want to know just ask and I will do what I can to provide that info.
Typically I charge my phone via usb while I am at my computer through the evening, and it then remains off the charger until the next evening, unless needed at which point I will use either usb or wall charger. I can charge my phone up full and it will last me approximately 18-20 hours, mostly being idle, sending and recieving occasional IMs and SMS messages. If I do anything like make calls life decreases.
Now here is the big thing, if I enable data (not wifi) and try to do something like facebook or browse the net my battery within a min or so drain completely to red and force the phone to shut down.
As always I keep apps up to date. The only changes I've made to my phone are...
- New SD card, 16gb class 10
- Rooted the phone with superoneclick 1.7
- Installed terminal emulator
- installed titanium backup
- Installed App cache cleaner
- Installed Adfree
- Removed several system apps (safe ones; twidroyd/ubersocial, samsung apps, layar, daily breifing, allshare)
- Moved all apps, except avg, to sd card
Any and all suggestions or help is appreciated. If there's anything you want to know just ask and I will do what I can to provide that info.