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Support For Windows XP & Office 2003 Ends April 8th, 2014!

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Android Expert
Hey Guys!

If you didn't already know, it's me, NY.

The reason of this thread is exactly what the title says. A lot of you may already know but a lot of you probably have no clue. Let's cut to the chase as we all know I can type a wall of text pretty easily and who wants to read one my legendary threads. This is NOT a debate on which OS is better or anything like that. This is simply a friendly warning to get your butt off XP!

On April 8th, 2014, Microsoft is pulling the plug on support for Windows XP, and Office 2003, but most importantly XP. Well, NY, what exactly does this mean? Basically, in a nutshell NO MORE SECURITY UPDATES EVER AGAIN. After April 8th, 2014, Never again, on planet Earth, will Microsoft put out another security update. I mean, there's no fighting the fact that Windows XP has ran its course 100%, and there's no arguing that. It was really never designed to be connected to the internet 24/7 (I.E, DSL, Cable ) anyway, for those who aren't too computer savy, to make it very simple, you have people out there, not sure if people still use the term Hackers, but I guess it's safe to use still use that term for the sake of my discussion. These Hackers find holes in the OS ( Operating System ), in this case, we're discussing XP. Microsoft finds out about these holes, and they put out a security update that patches the hole. That's when you're on XP, and your surfing the web, and all of a sudden, that little yellow shield pops up down by the clock telling you updates are available, those are usually at this point in time ALWAYS a security update either for XP or Office. Even office, they attack.

Anyway, all these Hackers are patiently waiting, creating worms, and all types of goodies that they are most likely going to release the day after support ends, and even though you have Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware, Spybot, etc, there will still NEVER be any patches for the holes found in the OS after 4/8/14. Honestly, XP was honestly planned to die out in 2006, but Vista was SO BAD, that people were paying extra when buying computers to have them shipped out with XP, so Microsoft rolled with it and continued putting out updates. Eventually Windows 7 came out, and at this point is a very very solid OS. I prefer 7 over 8. Then, of course, you have the option to go Linux as well even if it's just until you can afford to buy 7 or 8.

The fact of the matter is, this is really a SERIOUS security concern for millions as millions STILL USE XP. XP was honestly a ABSOLUTE FANTASTIC OS during its time, but they're finally pulling the plug, and unfortunately, YOU ALL need to GET OFF of XP AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!! This really isn't an option at all. XP is going to get completely SLAMMED in every single direction once support ends. You won't find me entering credit card information, or even touching a XP machine while it's connected to the internet after April 8th. Everything you do is at risk. This is very serious. Your computer can be OFF, but as long as it's connected to the internet it can easily still be attacked. After April 8th, XP will be the most vulnerable it has EVER BEEN. Chances are, if you still have a computer that's running XP, it's most likely very outdated anyway so it wouldn't make sense to just buy a copy of Windows 7 or 8 and install it on a old build. If you're planning on going with 7 or 8, you'll probably just want to buy a new computer, but pretty much ALL computers now come with Windows 8 installed, so you could either just buy it, and then buy a Win 7 from Amazon or Newegg, and just boot from disc, and format and install 7. If I wasn't going to buy the hardware and physically build it myself which honestly is the better way to go because you can pay relatively less, and get a better machine, but if you don't know how to do that, and you don't know anyone, and you have to buy one already built, and you don't need anything majorly crazy, just make sure it has a decent size HDD, a decent CPU, and a decent amount of RAM. Usually when you buy from Best Buy and stuff, you pay a lot more, and get less which is why I rather build them, but if you're like me, and you don't like 8, you can always format and put 7 on it. Computers from the store usually come with a ton of pre-installed crap like a new phone does, so actually by formatting and installing with a Win 7 Disc, all you get is the OS, which actually makes the computer run smoother, and it frees up the HDD.

BUT! This isn't about HAVING to buy a whole new computer. If your rig CAN handle Win 7 which doesn't even really require a whole arm and leg to run, just upgrade your OS. Just GET THE HELL OFF XP. Your kids use the computer, you may have a business computer running XP, NOT GOOD! If you never really believed me on anything or taken me seriously ever before in my life on the forums, BELIEVE ME WITH THIS. There's TWO things I'm REALLY anal with, and that's my credit, making sure I know exactly what I have out, and making sure I don't miss payments, and knowing my due dates, and just being all around anal with my credit score, and the 2nd thing is computer security. I have some weird mental connection with computers, I can like feel their pain when they're not up kept properly. Usually any computer I come in contact with hasn't had any recent updates installed, or virus definitions, etc, and I ALWAYS do all of that, run scans, defrag all types of shit. I'm REALLY good when it comes to this stuff so when I tell you, YOU NEED TO GET OFF XP, it isn't a well, oh I'll just check for viruses every week, and I'll make sure I don't click banners, and stuff. IT DOESN'T MATTER. As long as your XP machine is connected to the internet after April 8th of 2014, you can be attacked with anything at ANY MOMENT. Your son or daughter, wife, friend, grandmother, etc can be researching something for school, work or ANYTHING on the safest website in the world, and all of a sudden, your XP machine starts getting RAPED. There will NEVER be a security update from Microsoft that will fix the hole it came through from because XP's LIFE SUPPORT IS DONE!!!

Windows 7 is under $100 right now on Amazon.

Windows 7 Home Premium 32-Bit Windows 7 Home Premium 32-Bit

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit

The requirements for the OS are actually very very reasonable .

1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64- bit (x64) processor

1 gigabyte (GB) RAM or more (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit) or more

16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)

DirectX 9 graphics which most machines have, or better.
If you're running Windows XP now, you can right click on " My Computer " and click properties, and you'll see basic information about your computer. It will tell you your CPU speed which will be something like AMD Athlon II X2 2.7Ghz, most computers are more than the requirements anyway so you should have no problem, but most importantly it will tell you 32-bit or 64-bit. Usually if it doesn't tell you, you're running 32-bit, because it will specifically always say 64-bit if it's 64-bit. For COMPLETE system information, you can download Speccy.

Speccy is free, and a great great tool to see exactly what you have inside your computer. If you're running a 32-bit processor, I highly recommend considering a new computer which will definitely be running a 64-bit CPU. 32-bit is just very outdated, and there's no reason to invest almost $100 into a copy of Windows 7 or 8 32-bit which is still going to be a great new safe OS to use, but 32-bit is really slow now and it will be almost as if as your bottlenecking the computer right off the bat because it's a 32-bit OS. I don't mean to scare anyone with all of this but it's very important, and even though you still have a couple months, this is something you definitely need to decide on ASAP as the clock is ticking. If you have any computer tech knowledge, booting from disc, formatting the HDD, and installing 7 or 8 should be very easy. Anyone of you can PM me if you need any kind of assistance doing any of this, perhaps I can give you my cell and walk you through the whole process once we determine if your computer can handle 7 or 8 as is. I honestly would do Windows 7 if you're going to do Windows. Even though Linux is free and is a good OS, everything is really Windows & Mac based. I'm not a Mac guy or a Mac fan at all, so I will, and always will recommend Windows. My knowledge of Windows is way higher as I've been on Windows since Windows 95.

Applications can be easily installed again on a new system if you don't do a backup. I honestly don't recommend a backup of applications if you're coming from XP, especially after the 8th. If you're infected, you're going to restoring your backup to the clean HDD can just reinfect it right away, also versions of applications will probably be updated as well. I would honestly backup pictures, videos, music, documents such as pdf's that are important, stuff like that. Install the new OS, and just copy all that stuff back on the computer, and download and install your applications. However, it's VERY VERY important that you know what you have in your computer as hardware so you can visit the manufacturers websites before wiping the HDD and installing the OS because you'll need drivers most likely such as ethernet adapter drivers, display drivers, sound, all that stuff. The LAST thing you want to do is format the drive, install the new OS, and not be able to connect to the internet to get drivers. I've had it happen before where I would have to go to a friends house with a flash drive, download what I needed, and go back, and install off the stick. That is no picnic so get what you need beforehand. If you need help, I can help you locate the correct drivers as well. It's very easy for me if you provide me with the correct information. Speccy honestly is great and tells you EVERYTHING.

Most are using Windows 7 or 8 nowadays, Mac, or Linux, but there are still MILLIONS using XP. I'm sure tons of members here are still using XP. You really need to GET OFF. The infections following the 8th aren't going to be pretty and you definitely don't want to be calling your bank and credit card companies and reporting fraudulent charges, and creating all types of disputes, and fighting for your money back when you're a victim. Some of you may think I'm over reacting but I'm 100% sure there are other computer enthusiasts just like me on this forum who will chime in and agree 100% with every single word I've said, and if they don't, then they aren't aware of the significant damage that can and will be done once support ends for XP.

Please take this matter seriously, and give it serious thought. Most computers that are owned are most likely very capable of running Windows 7, and if you're running a 64-bit CPU, definitely spend that $88 and buy a copy of Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit. The CD key is good for ONE computer, but if you ever need to reformat, and reinstall Windows again, the key WILL work for you again as it will detect it's the same computer. The only reason it won't work again is if you change too much hardware such as the CPU, RAM, AND HDD, then it probably won't let you use the key again but I think now they have it designed so that the Win 7 keys that are only good for ONE computer can be used multiple times or as many times as you need but it can only be activated on ONE computer at a time so let's say you use the key on your computer now for a upgrade from XP to Win 7, and then you use the disc on your Moms computer, and tried to use the key, it would either deny you, or warn you by activating the key on this machine, it will disactivate on the other making you buy another key.

The migration process isn't that hard, and I'm here to help ANYONE who needs it either by PM's, IM's, FB messages, texts or a live phone call, I can help you get off XP. If you are able to run Win 7 64-bit, and you don't care about backing anything up, and you just want to simply boot from disc, wipe the HDD, and install the new OS, I can have you up and running within 30 minutes over the phone and leave you with simply Microsoft updating for a few hours. This thread ought to make for a good discussion. I know I said it wasn't going to be a long thread, but this wasn't something I could just speed through, this was something I needed to explain properly so everyone would understand. You have a lot of people who know how to use a computer, and navigate everything properly, but a lot of people are very intimidated when it comes to opening up a computer, or messing around with operating systems, and drivers, and all that stuff, but I apologize but if it's not help from me, you need to seek help from a friend or family member, and get yourself off Windows XP by 4/8/14. It will cost you much more time and money by staying on XP after 4/8/14, and having to deal with bank disputes, and all that jazz, and credit card fraud, and passwords stolen, and facebooks accessed, and ruined. Anything is possible in the cyber world, and as long as you're using a OS that has no more security updates, you're never safe EVER no matter even if you spent 10 billion dollars on Anti-Virus software. Once support ends for XP, and you're still on it. You're really in for it. Again, I'm here if ANYONE needs help, or basic information about ANYTHING regarding the move over.

If you want, this guy actually says everything I just said if you care to hear it from a really good technician. Watch or skim the first 42 minutes of this video. After 42 minutes or so, he goes off on about other stuff, but for the first good 40 minutes. It's all about XP and explains everything I just said.


I've posted this on a few different forums of mine, and unfortunately, the member named Aiden of the following forum loves to argue with me on all my threads and is basically telling me that XP is still going to be fine after support ends and that I'm wrong, but please DON'T listen to that BS. Once support ends, there will NEVER been another security update again for XP. Most computer users with common sense would take this very seriously, and get off of XP. XP great for its time, but the time is coming to a end, and it's time to move onto another OS.
Holy heck of a write up.:eek:

A whole lot of good info there, thanks.:thumb:

Anytime! I would really hate to see people have to dispute fraudulent charges, and go through a major headache of dealing with the the upcoming security holes that are going to be found and attacked by a ton of people come the 9th of April. It's very important that people read and understand everything I wrote, and need to HIGHLY consider moving off of XP. Even my Uncle uses a old Dell Optiplex 745 which is running XP, and I already told him a few times, I'm going to build him a new rig as support for XP is ending, and since he uses that computer mainly for business, and is constantly logging into bank accounts, I'll be sure he's off XP before it's too late.
Another option for those with XP computers could be to set it up with some form of Linux (especially if one doesn't want to put money into it)
Another option for those with XP computers could be to set it up with some form of Linux (especially if one doesn't want to put money into it)

Indeed, sure can. I did mention that as well ;), but I mentioned it as a OS to use UNTIL you buy 7 or 8. I know people who SWEAR by Linux, but as a long term OS. I would rather be on 7.
Indeed, sure can. I did mention that as well ;), but I mentioned it as a OS to use UNTIL you buy 7 or 8. I know people who SWEAR by Linux, but as a long term OS. I would rather be on 7.

Really depends on the user's needs. If they use Windows-specific applications (that happen to not be pretty for someone who is technologically experienced to get working with Wine), then yes, Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 would be their best options. If all they're doing is browsing the web and using browser-based applications (maybe some games in the form of Java applets), then Linux would be perfectly fine for them

FWIW, I dual-boot Fedora 20 and Windows 8.1
Really depends on the user's needs. If they use Windows-specific applications (that happen to not be pretty for someone who is technologically experienced to get working with Wine), then yes, Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 would be their best options. If all they're doing is browsing the web and using browser-based applications (maybe some games in the form of Java applets), then Linux would be perfectly fine for them

FWIW, I dual-boot Fedora 20 and Windows 8.1

Indeed Sir, indeed. I agree, Linux is perfect for someone who checks email, and uses Facebook, streams YouTube. Me personally, I've been a Windows guy since 95 which was my first computer when I was about 9 years old so I recommend Windows only because I know Windows very well. and I can help way more with Windows. I'm not big on Windows 8 at all mainly because of no dedicated start menu which is suppose to come back with Windows 9, but as of right now, if you're going to go with Windows. You'll be much happier with 7 over 8, at least IMO.
I started out with the disaster that was Windows ME (on a desktop). My next comp was a laptop with Vista, then a laptop with 7, then my current laptop (which started out on 8 but I jumped to Arch Linux and eventually switched to the config mentioned in my previous post)
I started out with the disaster that was Windows ME (on a desktop). My next comp was a laptop with Vista, then a laptop with 7, then my current laptop (which started out on 8 but I jumped to Arch Linux and eventually switched to the config mentioned in my previous post)

Yes! My old old Compaq back in early 2000's had Windows ME on it. What a disaster it really was. I eventually installed a pirated copy of XP on that machine which did wonders, but I skipped Vista as a whole. I stayed with XP until 7 came out, and even then the migration was hard for me because I was so used to XP for SO MANY YEARS, but honestly, Windows 7 is a beast of a machine, not even sure why 8 came out so quick after 7.
That's why my mother-in-law uses Linux Mint 14 on my old laptop. With RootKit installed and absolutely no rights to alter things. And she uses an Android tablet

XP or Windows in general is a hazard for those who don't know to secure a computer.

I never let important stuff on my pc without a password. eBanking is saver when you use a boot disk from Linux. When started from disk it will show a desktop with the Firefox web browser. This is the best way to do your online banking business. Because it is running from your cd and memory and NOT from your hard drive, malicious soft ware, trojans, or hackers have no change because there's no hard drive to write to.

I use Windows 8.1 on my lappie. IOS 7 on iPad2 and Android on Galaxy S3.
Odd, I know alot of non techies who are using Linux since I installed it and not having any more issues then they did with Windows installed. It does everything they need and they don't have to worry about it not being supported a few years later.
Let's stay focused on the topic at hand here which is XP being EOL'd and the need to upgrade to a newer version of Windows. The pro's and con's of Windows & Linux, native platform security, and user skillset requirement differences between the two can be discussed elsewhere.:)
XP or Windows in general is a hazard for those who don't know to secure a computer.

Yeah, I suppose this could be true but if done correctly, you could make XP a real good secure machine, that is of course if you were NOT on SP1.

However, that is all completely irrelevant now as once support ends, even with the best of the best knowing how to secure a computer won't be able to secure XP after 4/8/14.
I think so long as you are using common sense and are not browsing warez or porn, you'd be safe. my mom managed to completely FUBAR a brand new Windows 8 machine in less than a couple months. in fact, i'm dreading messing with it this weekend. my mom's the kind of person who plays too many flash games, and clicks on popups. she had I don't know how many toolbars and crap on her machine. fact is, even if WinXP is EOL, it will still run, and programs still work and can be installed for a time after. these days you have to be a complete idiot to infect a computer.

Just wanted to flag up, I often keep all that protection turned off as it's a bandwidth hog (my Win8 laptop tends to download massive updates all the time, and interrupts Netflix or some game I am watching or slows the machine down) and I got mine setup where all the files/folders are read/write, no UAC, but the kicker is nothing can install unless it comes from a legit distribution client. case in point, if I download any program, spyware or otherwise, it won't install. double-clicking an *.EXE or *.MSI will give me a 'the system cannot accept control messages at this time' and abort. as such, I only have the ability to install through Steam, Windows Store, or any other digital distribution client. that is how i'm going to set mom's up, although I will not make everything read write like I did for mine. Personally I never did like Microsoft's method of 'protecting the user from him/herself' and having every feature needing a loophole or hoop to jump through (such as having admin accounts but can't change the date/time without a UAC prompt or can't take ownership of files or folders) and that's one of the things that turned Linux off for me. in Linux these days it's almost downright impossible to disable that crap. I prefer to do things myself...
I can say that I'm not a pr0n person, and I'm pretty computer savvy. Roughly two years ago I had an XP machine taken down hard by malware on a pretty reputable sight without any action by me other than visiting. The malware exploited a hole in XP and came through the ad network being used on the site. These holed still exist, so the lack of patches is a concern, no matter how safe the browsing habits.
well if it came from an ad service, that's what Adblock is for, at least in my case. if mom can mess up a new computer running the most up-to-date OS, it won't really matter if it's supported or not. I've never had issues with even Windows 98SE when I still managed to run it not long ago. I couldn't stand XP and kept 98SE until 7 came out. Won't be long before hackers start targeting newer OS anyway. not sure what the incentive would be to attack XP when hardly anyone uses it. I am sure exceptions exist but the most number 1 way to mess up a machine is through careless browsing or use habits. that's why Microsoft plays nanny with the newer OSs but in turn makes them a literal pain to disable those things when you're savvy enough to do without. I hate nanny OSs like I hate nanny laws.

Most of the times I see computers get infected the most commonly used program was something along the lines of uTorrent. gee, wonder why....
I think so long as you are using common sense and are not browsing warez or porn, you'd be safe.

This doesn't apply to a OS that's losing OS security updates. Once holes are found in the OS of XP after 4/8/14, they'll NEVER be patched by Microsoft so it DOESN'T matter how much common sense you use as the holes are still there. I use to browse porn ALL the time, and NEVER had a issue as I was well protected from the spyware, and malware those sites give off. I also never downloaded any porn, only streamed it.
geez you all act as if no more support means you are going to instantaneously get attacked the first day after EOL or something. it doesn't work that way. besides, hackers are not going to be very interested in an OS that's as old as XP after a while anyway. do hackers still care about Windows 3.11? wasn't that EOL'd like a decade ago or two decades ago? is there still a tiny minority of hackers who attack ancient OSs like Windows NT 4, Windows 95, or Internet Explorer 6 these days? if so I think they've lost their minds...

All you need is a properly-configured router or firewall, a hardware firewall that is, and then it won't matter how many 'holes' Windows XP has for those who want to keep using it (at least, until developers stop allowing their programs to run on it) because if the attack can't get past the router or firewall, any security issue with software is moot anyway.
geez you all act as if no more support means you are going to instantaneously get attacked the first day after EOL or something. it doesn't work that way. besides, hackers are not going to be very interested in an OS that's as old as XP after a while anyway. do hackers still care about Windows 3.11? wasn't that EOL'd like a decade ago or two decades ago? is there still a tiny minority of hackers who attack ancient OSs like Windows NT 4, Windows 95, or Internet Explorer 6 these days? if so I think they've lost their minds...

All you need is a properly-configured router or firewall, a hardware firewall that is, and then it won't matter how many 'holes' Windows XP has for those who want to keep using it (at least, until developers stop allowing their programs to run on it) because if the attack can't get past the router or firewall, any security issue with software is moot anyway.

So everyone is supposed to be an expert in Ipv6 and know how to configure a router and know which ports on a firewall to open to what traffic. That seems a stretch to expect octogenarians+ to figure that out in order to keep in touch with their grandkids.

Let's look at old os's next. I don't think hackers are looking for Win 3.1, Win 95, WinME, WinCE, or any version. They are looking for holes in any of them to exploit. It isn't that they look to exploit Windows 3.1, it is that the security hole is there, and no longer being patched, and once discovered, it will be exploited. It is probably the same hole in every version of Windows. It will be patched in Win7 or Win 8. But for folks running prior versions, they will be left vulnerable.

Now let's keep this thread on the topic presented by the OP.:)
Are these full or upgrade installs? Prices still kinda steep though.

Yes, those are the 1-PC ones, if you install on another system, it'll deactivate the one it's currently activated on but yes, that is a FULL OEM copy of Win 7. If you're coming from XP, You'll want to boot from disc, and format the drive, and install the OS fresh. You'll be prompted for your key during installation that's in with the disc Those prices are actually very cheap, Windows used to cost like $500 for a 1-PC. but I'm going back to like Windows 95, lol.
geez you all act as if no more support means you are going to instantaneously get attacked the first day after EOL or something. it doesn't work that way. besides, hackers are not going to be very interested in an OS that's as old as XP after a while anyway.

That's because they ARE instantaneously going to get attacked the day after. Eli in the video even says it, and he's way more advanced than me when it comes to tech. Hackers are in fact VERY INTERESTED IN XP. Did you not even watch 10 minutes of the video? XP has ALWAYS been the keen choice in OS they prefer to go after. Windows ME was the same back then, windows me was just as insecure as XP SP1 was in a way.

All you need is a properly-configured router or firewall, a hardware firewall that is, and then it won't matter how many 'holes' Windows XP has for those who want to keep using it (at least, until developers stop allowing their programs to run on it) because if the attack can't get past the router or firewall, any security issue with software is moot anyway.

Again...NO. :confused: It's almost like talking to a wall sometimes with certain people I'm sorry. Do you even realize how insecure a OS is when there's a hole regardless of whatever protection you're running? Windows XP, 7 and 8 ALL pushed out security updates either yesterday or today because I had updates pop up to be available on both my Win 7 machine and Uncle's business computer which is XP downstairs. Uncle's had 9 and they were ALL security updates. That means holes were found, they found out, and patched them. If they're needing to patch things now when hackers know they're still putting them out, then why wouldn't they attack like nuts when support ends? I guarantee you they even have stuff already created that they're holding off using until support ends. It'll prob be all over tech news things like IGN and stuff once it starts happening.
Here's another alternative for Windows XP EOL. It may take some tinkering and getting used to how it works, but it is another option.

ReactOS Project

ReactOS is a free and open-source operating system based on the best design principles found in the Windows NT architecture. Written completely from scratch, ReactOS is not a Linux-based system and it shares none of the UNIX architecture. The main goal of the ReactOS project is to provide an operating system which is binary compatible with Windows. This will allow Windows applications and drivers to run as they would on a Windows system.

Well, after further research into ReactOS, it is not ready for most users, unless they are willing to put in the time & effort with it.
So disregard this as an alternative at this time!
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