I love Sweeter Home 2. There is so much customization.
I use "jps_droid" because I made it. Well assembled it, from different ones, (copy and paste is your friend when editing). Editing is a long and detailed process. But I think it's worth the time.
I downloaded several of the most popular to get ideas for what I wanted and what I didn't.
My left screen is for phone settings and tools and apps for themes and exploring the phone. Springboards on the bottom.
Center screen is Market and Browser, time, weather, recent SMS, recent calls, contacts, all apps tray, and a custom tray. Springboard on the bottom.
Right is a news widget, a custom tray, a games tray, a media tray and media widgets (YouTube, Pandora and Music). Springboards on the bottom.
Top screen is a calendar.
Bottom screen is RSS feeds.
I love the springboards, they are great to clean up your screens so you can actually see the background you choose.
One thing I found when I rooted and flashed to 2.1 with live wallpaper.
Live wallpaper does not work with Sweeter Home 2.