They pay attention in your market for sure.
My market is in the top 100 but it's really far down the list.
(I think #99 actually)
We get 10-20 here where Verizon gets 3-5 on LTE during peak hours.
Off peak I was getting 7-10 on Verizon LTE.
I have been satisfied with it myself.
T-Mobile does have a decline during peak times but it still beats Verizon off peak.
I did try a Sprint phone some months back.
I won't go there... it was bad.
AT&T is around 1-2 down which puts it on par with Verizon's CDMA.
What I never understood about AT&T here is that they -cannot- have an excuse for crappy backhaul.
I have seen some of their BTS here and they still have T1 lines feeding some of them.
The comical thing is one of the sites I saw had a U-Verse VRAD sitting 100 feet from it - and those are fiber fed.
TBH I have not seen as many T-Mobile gaffs.
There is a BTS that still says SunCom on it that they have yet to decommission all these years later.