Is the 3G service on Sprint as awful as it is with Verizon? I recently spent 4 days in downtown Chicago. The coverage there was ridiculous. I lost count of the time of times I had 1x or no data coverage.
I was a Sprint customer for about 8-9yrs straight and never had any issues with them. I'd never used an EVDO based phone with them though.
Switched to Verizon for the Droid on launch day, regretting it more and more everyday. Then again who knows how much longer Sprint will even be around.
I can relate. I was a Sprint customer for almost 10 years before switching to Verizon and the droid. I mostly use my phone inside my house as I dont have a landline. I rarely dropped calls or had problems with muffling on my sprint phones BUT with my droid, its a different issue. I have had more dropped calls in the past few months as I did in 10 years with Sprint. I will say that when I travel, Verizon gives me better coverage, BUT I dont travel often anymore - money is tight.
I made the mistake of buying the droid when it came out and waited until the 1st update came out that was supposed to fix some of the voice issues. After we got the update Dec. 11th (or whatever date it was, it didnt seem to make a difference on my phone). I took my original phone back and got a new one but am still having issues. I didnt take this phone back hoping things would get better.
I went to the Verizon store and was told I could buy a network extender for $250. I told them this was more then I paid for my phone. I have been calling/emailing and going to the store about my issue the past few months. Last Thursday, I opened up a ticket and they are monitoring my line and will check the tower closet to my house which is 5 miles away. They are supposed to get back to me in 2-3 weeks. I asked for the ticket number but they didnt give me one. The person said someone will get back to me and let me know what they find out.
I love the droid and am happy with the android OS and will be real happy once flash 10.1 and slingbox are relaesed this summer.
I will see what happens. I have never had any troubles with Sprint and have been happy with most of the phones I have used. Lately, they havent got any phones that impressed me. Verizon had the droid - most of my family and friends have Verizon and I get a bigger discount with Verizon than I did with Sprint. I am paying more money with Verizon & getting less minutes but with my discount, I am only paying a few dollars more than I was with Sprint.
When I am not at home, my phone works great. I might have to break down and try the network extender. I have 30 days to try it and if it doenst work, I can take it back and get my money back, BUT if it doesnt work, I am out of options unless I move or switch carriers.