I've checked all the forums and have only found people who are reviewing, praising or comparing the Swype Keyboard. When I got my EVO I heard great things about Swype and how Sprint was making it their official keyboard. I have read that the Samsung Epic 4g will come preloaded with Swype, however, I've yet to be able to find an APK for Swype that works. I downloaded Shapewriter when it was available and now have that which I enjoy using but I plan on swapping out my phone for the White Evo (I know its the same thing but my bf prefers the black over the white) and even with Astro File Manager backup I cannot save the APK for Shapewriter. Where did everyone get Swype from? It is not in the market and the closest thing available now is SlideIT which is 5.99 Euro 7.75 US. I attempted to download the apk via torrents but ended up with a bunch of expired trial apks. Did I completely miss the time frame for this download? Does anyone know where I can get it? And what other Keyboards have you tried? I've done reviews on all of them accept Swype and Betterkeyboard. I found swiftkey to be a good qwerty in landscape with haptic feedback since theirs a lot of space between keys, and the Evos stock keyboard has the best T9 for portrait mode, and I think I like SlideIT better than Shapewriter which I hate to type on without swiping the keys. So my two questions are:
Where do I get Swype?
What is your favorite keyboard?
Where do I get Swype?
What is your favorite keyboard?