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System Memory @ 5 gigs. Need to clear it out


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
Hi guys,
My wife has the S5 and is no longer able to receive email due to storage issues. I went into the Settings > Storage and the Miscellaneous Files is is sitting at 5.62gb. Of that, 5.46gb is showing as System Memory.

I'm wondering what exactly this means? Is this memory that is 'available'? If it is, then why am I showing as full? BTW, Application makes up about 6gb and the rest of 16gb is odds and ends. Pics are going to the SD card.

Thanks for the help.
@PitCarver - Thanks for sharing that. Now I know it's not just her phone that's doing that. I did clear the cache and it open up about 500mb, which was enough to get her email going again. She shows ~ 5 gb on the Applications side. Looks like I need to offload all those to the SD Card. Currently I'm only saving pics over there. Is there an easy way to move all Apps to the SD card, or do I need to do it one by one?

Thanks all!
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There are apps that will let you move apps to your SD card, but with the s5, I just moved the ones I wanted with the application manager. Just swipe to the left, from downloaded apps, to find the SD card screen. You can then decide which apps to move.

A note about mine; if I had moved an app, that had an associated widget on my home screen, the widget became inoperable. Could be my launcher, IDK, so I moved them back.
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I thought I had uploaded this pix a couple days ago, but I don't see the post.....
My ADSL has been off more than it has been 'ON' lately, so I will try again.

I have not had any real issues ever with storage, or an error saying that the phone has a storage problem. It has a 64 gB extSDcard and all media/pictures are defaulted to save to the SDcard.

this is a Verizon Galaxy S5

S5 Storage Space.jpg .... SD card storage.jpg
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Yes she does. We have a 15 year old Cox email address that she uses with the stock mail app. Not sure if that's the problem. What do you think? The cox browser sucks and we don't use it unless we absolutely have to.

She does have a gmail account, but doesn't use it. She set it up when she got her S5 because it asked her too. I've been trying to get her to transition to it, but she's afraid half the people she knows won't get her new email address updated correctly, and then she'd have to be managing two. I guess I can't blame her for worrying about that cause it's probably true. I know you can forward email accounts, but it all sounds like a PITA.
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It's always a good idea to periodically go through apps like email and text and delete the old stuff, that's not needed.
My wife had problems with her texting app. Her problem was that she didn't delete anything.
The data on my texting app data is almost the size of the app itself and I have minimal messages, that I haven't deleted.
Every little bit helps...
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You can clear the cache, with no problem. If you clear the data, you'll loose all of the information within the app. It'll be like a feshly installed app that you'll have to reconfigure. Once it's reconfigured, and the account synched, the data will return.

The only time I clear the data is when I want to disable the app, or when it acts up in some way.
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I did a Clear Cache Partition a couple of weeks ago. It did not effect my SMS or Email apps.
It did get rid of a lot of junk though.

what it did do was to remove some "stutter" that the phone seemed to have been developing over the past year.... I think it had been that long since I last performed a Clear Cache Partition on it.
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Thanks Pit! One last thing about the above email app: So are we saying that if I use that app that @AZgl1500 showed above, that is the UI for accessing my wife's email via the Cox browser app, rather than access thru the stock email app and thus taking up hard drive space on the phone?

AquaMail will directly access the Cox account, it does not need a browser.
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