What's up guys? So, I'll get straight to the point. (Btw, GS3 - Phone of Choice)
I want to know the science behind T-mobile's $30/100m/5GB plan. I understand that Metro's $60 plan truly offers me unlimited everything, BUT! I live in RI and coverage here isn't that great compared to T-mobile.
My issue is, I might sometimes go over 100m in a month (rarely that is). I don't mind paying for extra minutes at all since the conversion is $.10c to the minute.
So, 100m/$10 adds up to $40 (keep in mind, my budget is $60).
Scenario 1: If I'm in a call and I'm about to cross over my 100m limit, does the call end on its own or does it continue? Adding whatever charges needed without disturbance of alerts.
Scenario 2: After I've gone over my 100m limit, can I call someone? What I mean is, does the call go through and charges me. So that I can pay the extra minutes at the end of the month. Or will I have to pay extra on the spot by buying refill cards?
This determines what carrier I go with. T-Mobile is really good coverage where I live and where I work and I'll take something cheaper any day. BUT, Metro's $60 plan is good and final, no extra anything. Just pay at the end of the month and go on.
Cam someone with experience with these plans, give me their input? Thank You!
I want to know the science behind T-mobile's $30/100m/5GB plan. I understand that Metro's $60 plan truly offers me unlimited everything, BUT! I live in RI and coverage here isn't that great compared to T-mobile.
My issue is, I might sometimes go over 100m in a month (rarely that is). I don't mind paying for extra minutes at all since the conversion is $.10c to the minute.
So, 100m/$10 adds up to $40 (keep in mind, my budget is $60).
Scenario 1: If I'm in a call and I'm about to cross over my 100m limit, does the call end on its own or does it continue? Adding whatever charges needed without disturbance of alerts.
Scenario 2: After I've gone over my 100m limit, can I call someone? What I mean is, does the call go through and charges me. So that I can pay the extra minutes at the end of the month. Or will I have to pay extra on the spot by buying refill cards?
This determines what carrier I go with. T-Mobile is really good coverage where I live and where I work and I'll take something cheaper any day. BUT, Metro's $60 plan is good and final, no extra anything. Just pay at the end of the month and go on.
Cam someone with experience with these plans, give me their input? Thank You!