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T-Mobile Build: LVY47H (Nexus 6 - Google Fi Build)


Android Enthusiast
This issue needs to be addressed. So here I am getting into it with you. Hoping to find some kind of resolve.

I purchased My nexus 6 last December from T-Mobile. Loved the phone. Always got my updates within a week, tops. In May I had some charging issues, so I took the phone into the store for a warranty replacement. And let me tell ya, if you don't have insurance, plan on waiting at least a week to get a replacement from these guys. So this was right around the time WIFI calling and 5.1.1 was announced with them. I waited until the second week of June - Still no update. I figured ok, this time maybe I'm actually gonna be like the last dude to get this update. So another week goes by. Then another. NO UPDATE!

I start doing some reading online and although I found out why I'm not getting the update, I still at the same time could not find much info on this. So here's the deal....

T-Mobile is sending out warranty replacement Nexus 6 phones with a build LVY47H. This build is primarily for Google's "Project Fi" which is an upcoming phone service that uses T-Mobile, Sprint and Wifi hot spots as you providers. So depending on your area, you will pick up whichever of these sources is most beneficial to you at the time. Sounds cool, right? Maybe.

Here's the issue. This build number LVY47H is NOT supported by T-Mobile as a recognized build to update. Ever. Again. The only build listed on their update schedule is LMY47M. So now what? Do I flash the factory image? Oh wait, I can't.... I have a Chromebook!!!!

I've spoken to over a half dozen T-MO techs and sales associates. No one has any clue what I'm talking about, nor do they have any answers. There has got to be more people in this boat besides me. And where are they? Is T-Mobile oblivious to the build number? Do I seriously have a Nexus that may never update now?

Wifi calling was an update I really wanted because I have virtually ZERO signal at my house.

So I heard about this one guy who had the same issue as me. He went into the store, got a second warranty replacement because his first had the unsupported build. He wound up getting the right build this time and as soon as he inserted his sim card he got 5.1.1. I go back to T-Mobile last week telling them the situation. Again, they have no clue WTF I'm talking about, but agree to send me another phone. I got it Tuesday crossing my fingers, and sure enough it's LVY47H AGAIN!!!! The sticker on the back of the new phone says "rev build LVY47H".

I turned the phone on just to check and sure enough, it's the unsupported build. I sealed up the new phone and returned it.

I've given up. I've tried finding people in my area who could flash the update with no luck. I don't have a computer that can "do it". I'm pissed off. Does neither Google nor T-Mobile know whats going on? I feel like I totally got f*cked on this whole deal and I'm hoping down the road this thread can help someone else in the same shoes as me.

Open for ideas.

Sounds like you have one viable option:
Buy direct from GOOGLE,drop in your SIM Card & you'll be good to go........
Flash the phone (you know someone with a real comport). A caveman can flash a nexus 6 now.
Sign up for Google fi (wonderful service if it works with your lifestyle)
Sell it and get something else,especially since you've claimed to have issues with the device prior to this.

Since your issue is with tmo, the discussion has been moved.
Guess, I'm less than a caveman now. Because even though I could get access to a Windows PC, I have still yet to find a walk-through that is remotely understandable to someone like myself.

Google Fi will never work for me as I use too much data, but thanks. And you missed my point. I own a Nexus. I want updates, I want wifi calling.

Buy from Google? Why? And spend $500 I don't have because my phone has a bizarre build code? I may as well trade in my phone and get the G4. I'd save money that way.
Guess, I'm less than a caveman now. Because even though I could get access to a Windows PC, I have still yet to find a walk-through that is remotely understandable to someone like myself.
Here's some links to get you in the right direction:


Buy from Google? Why? And spend $500 I don't have because my phone has a bizarre build code? I may as well trade in my phone and get the G4. I'd save money that way.

I get it,it's a lot of money to cough-up,that's not lost on me.
You stated that you didn't have access to a PC,and,returned the device & wanted a solution,so,I gave you the only option that fit those parameters.
I understand your frustrations OP, and I understand you want to vent.

That said, there are only so many options you have in this situation and some folks here are trying help.

Flashing your device is the best method in my opinion as its no cost and you fix the issue immediately.
This issue needs to be addressed. So here I am getting into it with you. Hoping to find some kind of resolve.
You should not have to flash anything to get a fully functional phone. I am fairly familiar with the process, but if I got a phone with the wrong build from the carrier/store, I'd probably push it back to them to get one with the right build.

Don't get me wrong - you certainly can get it to the correct build. But given your issues with access to a PC, why not try to get T-Mo to try again? The process is fairly straightforward, but that's my opinion. I know enough people who wouldn't have any idea of what to do even with the detailed steps outlined in the guide that Kolio posted above - and the point is that you shouldn't have to do that. I do that because I choose to - not because I have to.

If possible, go to a T-Mo store and have them swap out your phone with one from the store, so they/you can verify it on the spot. Try T-Mo's social media account if that doesn't work - I'm told that gets things moving in the right direction, quickly.

You have a perfectly valid reason to be ticked/frustrated - they are giving you a phone with a build that is NOT supported by T-Mobile. Be the squeaky wheel
Here's the dilemma. I have already gotten 2 phones with this build. How many times do you think T-MO is gonna keep swapping phones with me before they start giving me hell? Especially when they don't understand what I'm saying?

Like I said, I've talked directly with T-MO and Google. Not one soul has any clue WTF I'm talking about. Google told me T-MO pushes the updates yesterday. I thought Google did it? Then Google said it's a T-MO issue. T-MO basically doesn't even know what a "build" is. IMO

And yes, That video above is still hard for me to understand. With my luck I'll brick my phone trying to do something I should even have to do in the first place. And we are back to the fact that I don't have a PC. I don't have any friends close by with one either. Should I go buy a cheap $300 Windows laptop at Best Buy? NO!!!!!

I've been looking all morning online trying to find someone in the Houston area who can flash it for me. So far, zero luck.

JJ14X - When I was at the store yesterday I told the manager to go get one out of there stock, and boot it up for me. He went in the back and conveniently they were "OUT OF STOCK". Also, any warranty replacements come from there warehouse. I've asked twice for a phone from there store and they simply won't do it.

Quick question.... If I did get it flashed to factory 5.1.1, will that solve everything and put me back on track to automatically get Android M in November? Or would I have to flash M as well?
When the store feigns ignorance about the issue, ask then why WiFi calling isn't working.
And ask them why the new models from store have different build than yours.
I understand the frustration though. Many store employees usually don't know what a build is, let alone the variation in builds.
Try their social media account.

To answer your question though, yes, if you flash the t-mo build, and stay stock (no rooting etc), you will be on the T-mo build track and will get all T-mo builds (OTA) in the future.
You will not need to flash the next build (though flashing the latest build is so fast compared to waiting for the OTA! Lol)
I basically know my shit when it comes to Android. I know it well, I just don't know how to do it hands on. I've been to the store 3 times. Twice they hooked my phone up to their computer, twice it checked out fine. They have no answer for me when I explain myself. The store, Google themselves and T-MO customer care have no clue . It's like I'm speaking a foreign language to them.

I'm done getting replacement phones because this already happened 2 times. And when I got my first replacement, they charged me $433 for my phone saying it had water damage, when it didn't. I spent bout 2 hours on the phone and in the store begging them to remove that fee. There was never any water damage and I threatened to leave T-MO over it. Finally they removed it.

FYI - To anyone claiming a warranty, make sure you have the sales associate note on your account that the phone you are sending back is in proper condition to do so.

Is there a regional forum that I'm unaware of so that I may find someone in my area to flash 5.1.1 for me?

Update: I'm currently chatting online with a T-Mobile customer service rep who has no F'ing clue what I'm talking about.
None. I gave up on T-Mobile and Google for any answers. I found a person locally who swore he could flash the software to my phone. He spent an hour trying with no success. He kept getting an error message saying his computer couldn't find the image even though he had it downloaded. Needless to say I went to the wrong guy. AND all my info got erased in the process.

I give up for now.


Holy shit! This just in! I sure hope I get WiFi calling with this.....
Update. Today around 11 am I got the prompt for 5.1.1

I downloaded the file and then it asks to restart and install. Once I hit the button to install, it counts down and then I get the android guy laying down, stomach open and below him it says "error".

An hour later the update prompt cam through again. Same thing happened. What's wrong?

Edit: Yesterday I tried 7 times to download the update. Same thing keeps happening. I download it and then when I go to install it the android robot throws a red triangle exclamation and it read error underneath him. I even did a factory reset last night hoping that would do it. Nope.

I tired again twice today. Error. There appears to be a lot online about this error with other updates. Anyone have any insight?
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Update: Looks like the original 91.2 mb update was faulty. I received my new update at 101.9 mb tonight. It downloaded fine. Guess what? NO wifi calling! FML.
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