does anyone else notice how HTC always seems to make tons of new Android phones for TMobile? seriously how many android phones from htc do they have, the G1, the mytouch, the mytouch slide, the Hero, the Nexus one, the Desire, and now they are making this new "Desire HD" or HTC Ace coming out for tmobile to. WTF HTC, why dont you make some more phones for Verizon? or Sprint? or even AT&T, lets see all verizon has is the Incredible and the Eris, all sprint has is the Evo and the Hero (i think thats all correct me if im wrong), and all AT&T has is the Aria.
is any one else here kind of pissed at how much of a variety of different HTC android devices they have for TMobile? why dont you make an Evo for Verizon HTC? any thing but TMobile, who is with me?
is any one else here kind of pissed at how much of a variety of different HTC android devices they have for TMobile? why dont you make an Evo for Verizon HTC? any thing but TMobile, who is with me?