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T-Mobile Latest Update Ruined My Phone


Nov 20, 2017
Hello, community.

I am opening a thread as I even struggle to type from my own keyboard.

As you can see from the attached screenshot, I updated (more like I was forced to do it) to the latest T-Mobile version for my Samsung Note 5.

Since Friday, the day I couldn't postpone the update anymore, after my phone restarted, I have been experiencing issues in determined zones of my device screen (see picture related). On the bottom left corner, whenever I press the letter 'a' it digits 'aa' in one single soft tap every time, as if I hastily double tapped. For the same principle, the caps lock activates instead of just shifting letters, sometimes even digiting a 'z' even if I didn't have my finger near it.

Other problems I have experienced is the top left corner especially when I have to search stuff on Google, when I tap it's like a dead zone. And this morning I noticed that flipping my phone horizontally and pressing 'close all tabs' doesn't work either, instead sending me back to the menu.

I noticed that the apparent dead zones only occur when keyboard is on (or in this exception for when I view tabs to close them).

I tried installing other keyboards but the problem persists.
I also tried deleting cache aand clearing data for Samsung keyboard app from the list but nothing worked.

I am desperate.

I still didn't try factory reset but I would try something else before.
Can you help me?


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UPDATE: after a lot of struggling, efforts and troubles, I managed to solve this issue. I am posting here my solution, hopefully helpful for anybody who had, have or will have this very frustrating problem and couldn't still fix it.

If you are experiencing screen issues and you have been trying to soft reset, master reset and even flash stock the firmware but nothing seemed to work and you're giving up to the idea that it's an hardware problem and you'll either have to exploit the warranty or pay ingent sums of money into repairing, please hold on!

There's one last step you might want to follow.
It might sound stupid, but this is what fixed it all up for me.

First, follow this procedure:

  1. Go to Settings>>Application>>Application Manager>>More>>Show system apps
  2. In Application Manager, Go to TouchWiz Home>>Storage>>Tap on Clear Data
  3. Do the same for TouchWiz Easy Home
  4. Go to Settings>>Application>>Application Manager>>More>>Reset App preferences>>Reset

Note: this will reset your home screen to default

After you've done with that procedure, if that didn't fix it yet, follow this YouTube video:

Of course in my case it's a Samsung Note 5 I'm talking about, but if you search on this guy's archive he probably have a tutorial for your device aswell.
That's how I actually found mine.

So, after updating the touch calibration system, everything's now working fine.
I hope this will save lives!
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