la sal
Android Expert
I am currently with Verizon and the service is excellent in my area. The issue is, I am the only line on the account. Even with my corporate discount, my monthly bill is around $95 for only 2GB of data. My wife and stepdaughter are on my Sprint account (service is slowly improving).
That is not enough data for what I have to pay. Tired of two year contracts and still have nine months left with Verizon. If I would buy the Google Nexus 5 from the Google Play Store, does T-Mobile still pay the ETF to leave Verizon? From reading I have done, you trade your phone in and when you get the ETF bill T-Mobile will pay it off up to $360. Do they require you to purchase a T-Mobile phone or can you bring your own in?
Also, if I buy the Google Nexus 5 from the Google Play Store it sounds like I could later activate it on Sprint (CDMA or GSM capable). Is this correct?
That is not enough data for what I have to pay. Tired of two year contracts and still have nine months left with Verizon. If I would buy the Google Nexus 5 from the Google Play Store, does T-Mobile still pay the ETF to leave Verizon? From reading I have done, you trade your phone in and when you get the ETF bill T-Mobile will pay it off up to $360. Do they require you to purchase a T-Mobile phone or can you bring your own in?
Also, if I buy the Google Nexus 5 from the Google Play Store it sounds like I could later activate it on Sprint (CDMA or GSM capable). Is this correct?