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Tabs vs numbers in chrome


Android Enthusiast
Jun 29, 2012
The Chrome on my Nexus 7 has tabs for new browser pages, which are really difficult to navigate. They bunch up and I'm always accidentally closing one while trying to get to another.

Whereas on my phone SGSII, the tabbed chrome browser pages are ordered by numbers and it's much easier to control.

I would like to have what my phone has, on my Nexus 7.
Yeah you do have to watch where you tap the tab but the easier way is to slide them sideways to switch tabs. Just stroke the right edge of the screen about in the middle to the left!

I didn't know that about switching tabs, that is great to know!

Another option is to download the firefox browser, and then you can download the add-on three finger swipe, so you can swipe (with three fingers) right or left to switch tabs, swipe down to close a tab and swipe up to open a tab (you can change what the swipes do in the options). the 7 inch screen is a little small for 3 fingers but it works, doubt it would work as well on a smaller screen
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