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Tasks, tasks, Tasks....


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2011
Anyone knows of a good app that makes accessing tasks more easily? I mean they could integrate them with the damn Calendar already, it's been over a year, and nothing.

Another thing: Scratchpad, there's auto-sync between a Chrome app and Google Docs but no way in hell a nice app to make it worthwhile installing it on the phone.

The best alternative I found is Springpad, but now I find myself using 3 different things.

Calendar is more accessible to my phone because well... it integrates into the Calendar that I use anyway.

Scratchpad allows me to take lightning fast notes and access them from Google Docs and any other computer, but from the phone a bit more difficult, they don't integrate properly.

Springpad does everything I want it do to, except the fact it's not a Google feature so it doesn't integrate with the calendar, tasks, scratchpad, docs....

Why is it taking over 1 year to do such a simple thing: make the "tasks's calendar" which is visible on the computer, also visible on the phone.


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