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Team Astr4y4L is back...


LgPWN'd~ on XDA or TG ~ CEO &Co-Founder A-Team
Recognized Developer
Hi again AF !
After a bit of a disciplinary silence... (couldn't post because i got into arguments and cant keep my mouth shut LoL)

I am Back!
Wanted to let everyone know that we'll be here to help AF users that need support,

we're thinking of re-vamping our Zone 3 root tut... but... certain Mods like to kill my Download links... so not sure if it would be worth my wasting any more time with that.
after all I find google search for (Root + Verizon + zone3) leads ultimately to my website, and the working tut is there.
where I control the Domain and content.

To all Mods, I would like to say thanks for putting up with my crap last year and please accept my apologies . Those whom that applies to know who you are.

For everyone else,
Happy New Year. Lets hope to see great advancements in android and our community.

Lose the attitude and you'll hopefully contribute something useful.

Absolutely right there...
trying a new Zen approach Lol.
Happy new year Sir!
thanks for replying
...certain Mods like to kill my Download links...google search for (Root + Verizon + zone3) leads ultimately to my website

Our priority is to keep the forums running smoothly for the ENTIRE membership, not just a select group. And, if we see a red flag or two in a link, we protect first and ask questions later. Using clever attempts to end-run around our policies will not sit well with "certain mods" (That would be all of us).

Welcome back. I hope you can find away to integrate your "enthusiasm" with our community. You seem like you want to help. :thumbsupdroid:
Our priority is to keep the forums running smoothly for the ENTIRE membership, not just a select group. And, if we see a red flag or two in a link, we protect first and ask questions later. Using clever attempts to end-run around our policies will not sit well with "certain mods" (That would be all of us).

Welcome back. I hope you can find away to integrate your "enthusiasm" with our community. You seem like you want to help. :thumbsupdroid:

Why Thank you Sir !
I hope to be a helpful asset to the community.

And, if we see a red flag or two in a link,

On that point, I would like to ask... What red flags were in my links?
Not that it matters now, LoL.
But for future reference as I grow in this community, and just for any New members that happen across this post, could anyone elaborate on that point?
Maybe like whats acceptable in context of links in a thread you create to help people with an android issue?
Was it because I used short-links?
I don't want a big snazzu about it or anything, but still I gotta wonder hahaha,
and good talking with you guys again.

What red flags were in my links?

Let me explain ... no, let me sum up.

You were new to the site at the time and you posted links that essentially were driving members to another site. We look on that as spam regardless if the content of the links. We asked you not to, but ... well no need to go chasing water under the bridge.

We are reasonable folks and we will gladly work with anyone wishing to share as long as you treat the forums respectfully. The one thing that will get you nowhere are tantrums and attitude. So enough of that. Let's get back to helping folk and adding to our positive karma accounts. :)
Let me explain ... no, let me sum up.

You were new to the site at the time and you posted links that essentially were driving members to another site. We look on that as spam regardless if the content of the links. We asked you not to, but ... well no need to go chasing water under the bridge.

We are reasonable folks and we will gladly work with anyone wishing to share as long as you treat the forums respectfully. The one thing that will get you nowhere are tantrums and attitude. So enough of that. Let's get back to helping folk and adding to our positive karma accounts. :)

So . like if I have a firmware file , like say pre-rooted firmware. can i upload that to AF somehow to avoid sending anyone elsewhere?
I'm only asking because i honestly dont know if you can attach a 2 + GB system.img file to a thread here...

Anybody feel like shedding light just in case someone wishes to share something Awesome here?

I could have avoided all of that prior dis-tastefulness
if someone would have said " Hey Bro, why dont you Upload your root kit to AF's servers? "
Duuhh I feel dumb on that one, but.
i bet i cant attach a 2gb .img file to a post here ...
for an experament i'll try real quick and get back to ya, as
I'm a hands on type of guy LoL
testing upload functions
hmmm i'll have to convert all .iso .img or .7z files to
regular .zip files ...
formats not supported.
but just for kicks I'll zip up a stock LG img and and try to upload it later LoL

EDIT <-- Just for kicks I tried to upload a LARGE file 2gb /system .img.zip
You can't do it here because of the settings in the AF servers php.ini
the Max post size
Max upload size
Amounts of memory involved to do it...

Thank goodness I have my own servers for hosting my Files...

As long as The Mods approve of the Links first tho...
Last edited:
I've got a challenge for you - provide a root solution for the ZTE Zmax Pro z981 ;)
OK i'll accept the challenge :)
but, don't have the device on hand to test on...
do you have the device on hand? will you be my tester?
If so i'll surely give it a shot.
what api level is it?
I'll make my self a part of the discussion then, thanks for the Challenge
If it can be done surely a few good people working together on it will figure out something right?.

You would have thought :thinking:
Got a strange question, I did update my new moto to Oreo only a few days ago, and today it decided to change it yet again for secuirty measures. I have not touched anything at all.. So does it mean I get an app for destorying buttholes ?
Got a strange question, I did update my new moto to Oreo only a few days ago, and today it decided to change it yet again for secuirty measures. I have not touched anything at all.. So does it mean I get an app for destorying buttholes ?

HMMMM kinda lost as to the context of your question.
Could you please be more clear?
HMMMM kinda lost as to the context of your question.
Could you please be more clear?
Sure. My android did twice an update, one for Oreo firmwear, and the other for secuirty too. It jumped almost right away without me touching anything at all. So I am wondering what is the deal with it?
It jumped almost right away without me touching anything at all. ?

Please Clarify this for Me . I don't understand What you mean when you say Jumped ...

and also

Milo Willamson said:
So does it mean I get an app for destorying buttholes ?

I don't mess with butthole stuff that's not my field of operation.

oh man lol :) Nope, was an Android Security update, nothing more, I took a look at it on my phone and read it was, just for a patch of it.

The first one was for filmwear. :)
A: See above, it just download on its own, was just a secuirty patch.

LoL :)
I like your sense of humor my friend.

Yeah They do that quite a bit if you have auto-updates enabled. LoL

if it's not bugging out I'd not worry about it.
but if it does get weird
I'd recommend to clear the cache

since it's just had a Major software version update.

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