Well-Known Member
I run a small phpbb3 forum and have been racking my brains and Google for months trying to work something out.
All these types of forums can play embedded videos, which usually have the bbcode tags (youtube)video(/youtube) and they play perfectly on a pc and on most new phones that support streaming media.
I wanted though, to embed some of these mp3 player widgets to showcase a few playlists. The way I'm doing it at the moment is to put a section of HTML code containing the mp3 player widget directly into a post, which works fine on a pc. On a phone however, all thats visible is the HTML code.
Given that its not the phone, as it plays embedded streaming video from youtube, I'm presuming that theres a vital step that I'm missing somewhere to allow a phone to play an embedded widget containing streaming mp3s.
Apologies in advance for this not being a direct Android question, but if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
This might actually be in the wrong forum - please feel free to relocate it
All these types of forums can play embedded videos, which usually have the bbcode tags (youtube)video(/youtube) and they play perfectly on a pc and on most new phones that support streaming media.
I wanted though, to embed some of these mp3 player widgets to showcase a few playlists. The way I'm doing it at the moment is to put a section of HTML code containing the mp3 player widget directly into a post, which works fine on a pc. On a phone however, all thats visible is the HTML code.
Given that its not the phone, as it plays embedded streaming video from youtube, I'm presuming that theres a vital step that I'm missing somewhere to allow a phone to play an embedded widget containing streaming mp3s.
Apologies in advance for this not being a direct Android question, but if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
This might actually be in the wrong forum - please feel free to relocate it