And, for anyone who missed out during the innocent age of the late 1970s, early 1980s, this is the Little Professor. like the Speak n Math, it taught basic math problems (sans voice). i think it just kept playing whatever game you selected (and its current difficulty level, and believe me this thing gets freaking hard!) infinitely until you shut it off. if you made a mistake, it just said 'ERROR' in the same vain as the TI-30 calculator.
This is the Talking Whiz Kid. at the time it seemed more neat than any of the above, totally expensive though. my cousin had one non-functional missing the cartridge for i suppose the game it was meant to play. but anything with a dot-matrix LCD was cool for the time. i suppose i'll never know what exactly it did. even in Goodwill stores i have yet to find an example that does not die with 'insert cartridge' showing up. they are all missing that one vital component: