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Tendina notifiche

Ciao a tutti ho un problema con il mio lg velvet con Android 12
In pratica la tendina delle notifiche non scende giu del tutto e nonnmi da l'opportunita di accedere alla torcia ai dati e altre cose ma la cosa piu seccande e che quando mi arriva una notifica what app telegram facebook mi si chiude la tastiera e quando non si non permette comunque di scrivere clsi che se sto facendo altro con la tastiera non posso aspettare devo o che si toglie sola la notifica o che la togli io per far si che possa continuare a scrivere perche se clicco su altre parti dello schermo egregiamente quindi qualcuno di voi spero possa aiutarmi non voglio ripristinarlo perché gia e stato fatto e mi secca riportare tutto sul telefono perché usandolo per lavoro e complicato non s se va in conflitto qualcosa spero possiate essermi di aiuto
[QUOTE = "Sensounico, post: 8081137, member: 2161278"] Hi everyone I have a problem with my lg velvet with Android 12
In practice, the notification curtain does not go down completely and gives me the opportunity to access the flashlight to data and other things but the most annoying thing is that when I get a notification what app telegram facebook I close the keyboard and when not however, it does not allow you to write clsi that if I am doing anything else with the keyboard I cannot wait I have to either remove only the notification or that I remove it to ensure that I can continue writing because if I click on other parts of the screen very well then someone I hope it can help me I do not want to restore it because it has already been done and it annoys me to bring everything back to the phone because using it for work is complicated not if something conflicts I hope you can help me [/ QUOTE]
Hi everyone I have a problem with my lg velvet with Android 12 In practice, the notification curtain does not go down completely and gives me the opportunity to access the flashlight to data and other things but the most annoying thing is that when I get a notification what app telegram facebook I close the keyboard and when not however, it does not allow you to write clsi that if I am doing anything else with the keyboard I cannot wait I have to either remove only the notification or that I remove it to ensure that I can continue writing because if I click on other parts of the screen very well then someone of you I hope to help me I do not want to restore it because it has already been done and I bring everything on the phone because it is complicated for work not s if it conflicts use something I hope you can help me
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