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Tethering question depending on which method you use....


Aug 4, 2010
what makes the "wireless tether" app for root, PDA net, and easy tether all work with no additional "mobile hotspot" fees???

and just want to know if i understand this correctly that im NOT using the "verizon mobile 3G hotspot" as long as i DONT click that icon in the app drawer or when i connect via usb cable (where is says to mount as a hard drive) and i say away from the "mobile braodband connection" option

just curious.....what makes it use our normal data plan and not the tether plan

sorry if this has been posted before but all i kept reading was: how to do it and that it doesnt cost extra. i want to know why
and just want to know if i understand this correctly that im NOT using the "verizon mobile 3G hotspot" as long as i DONT click that icon in the app drawer or when i connect via usb cable (where is says to mount as a hard drive) and i say away from the "mobile braodband connection" option

Correct. If you use pdanet, easy tether, or wireless tether for root, you will not be charged for tethering. You are still using data however, so if you dont have an unlimited data plan, you will most likely be charged for overages.

just curious.....what makes it use our normal data plan and not the tether plan

Not sure. I guess those apps just make it look like your phone is accessing the data, and not a computer connected to the phone.
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just curious.....what makes it use our normal data plan and not the tether plan
Not sure. I guess those apps just make it look like your phone is accessing the data, and not a computer connected to the phone.

If you're on a socalled 'unlimited data plan' for your phone, usually a 'fair use policy' applies, which may vary per provider. (I.o.w. that 'unlimited data plan' is plain BS!)
According to my provider I exceeded that 'fair use policy' while, in that month, I only viewed maybe 10 hours of online videos (Youtube, porn, etc.) over 3G, maximum!
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