I've got an N1, using the $10 web plan, and for a while everything had been working great.
Well for the last 2 months or so, about 50% of my messages (both SMS and MMS) aren't received for a while. We're talking anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 days to never. On my end the message looks like it was sent just fine, but the recipients say they never got it. I'm sending to multiple phone times across multiple networks. The problem also happens when I message my husband, who also has an N1 with the same data plan on a family plan.
What gives? He doesn't appear to have the same problem, though he doesn't text nearly as much as I do.
I don't want to call CS because I don't want them to realize I'm using an N1 and then switch my data plan.
Well for the last 2 months or so, about 50% of my messages (both SMS and MMS) aren't received for a while. We're talking anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 days to never. On my end the message looks like it was sent just fine, but the recipients say they never got it. I'm sending to multiple phone times across multiple networks. The problem also happens when I message my husband, who also has an N1 with the same data plan on a family plan.
What gives? He doesn't appear to have the same problem, though he doesn't text nearly as much as I do.
I don't want to call CS because I don't want them to realize I'm using an N1 and then switch my data plan.