So, when I was using my Omnia, I noticed that when sending text messages it was the smartest phone I'd ever used. On Verizon, if you write a text message longer than 160 characters, it won't send any more than that to a non-Verizon subscriber. The Omnia inherently split excessively long text messages into separate messages, instead of what normal phones do, by sending the whole thing and hoping the server splits it for you.
The Droid acts like a dumbphone with both the stock SMS app as well as Handcent. I want it to split messages when they are longer than 160 characters, because I have a lot of friends that aren't Verizon members - or worse yet that it doesn't send the whole thing, Google Voice users.
Is there a text messaging app that doesn't have this issue of sending long text messages to non-verizon subscribers?
The Droid acts like a dumbphone with both the stock SMS app as well as Handcent. I want it to split messages when they are longer than 160 characters, because I have a lot of friends that aren't Verizon members - or worse yet that it doesn't send the whole thing, Google Voice users.
Is there a text messaging app that doesn't have this issue of sending long text messages to non-verizon subscribers?