no contract on Verizon is $30... or it was prior to yesterday and the new T-Shirt plans.
and I agree, it is way too high for a Texting only phone
I used to be a Civil employee and enjoyed a 15% employee Arizona discount for my VZW phones.
after I retired, the penny pinchers in the retirement board decided that due to the budget problems, that retirees would no longer be able to enjoy that discount. 15% of a 5 line contract is a heck of a hit.
My solution to that problem was to tell 2 people to buy their own phone, or do without... and I called up VZW and told them to cancel service on those two phones at the end of the current month's prepaid service fee.
IMO, your solution is to get a Walmart prepaid only el cheapo for $15, then pay for the voice only, texting fee by the month.... if the kiddo gets out of line, they phone's service does not get paid for the next month or so until their "grounding" is over.
I once grounded my son from driving for 12 months, I literally took his driver's license and cut it into pieces in front of the sheriff who found him for me. he laughed at me and said "I will just get it replaced".... the Sheriff's officer said "sorry son, but I just revoked your Drivers License and it states cannot be renewed w/o parent's consent... which meant until he was 21 y/o in New Mexico at the time.
2 ea. Verizon Galaxy S5, Lollipop