While prepping an 8.1 I enabled the update profile setting accidentally. The device hadn't been used for nearly a year and there was no service either, so I didn't sweat it. About 30 minutes later a download icon surrounded by asian writing abrubtly appeared and moments later it rebooted and I suddenly had all the former sp's bloatware installed along with several mb's of code. I was poking around these settings in prep to root it and I'd already unlocked the bootloader before I tripped the update and after this update it was reset. I grock some code and it really seems that they flash/recovered it ota?!? I used lucky patcher to look at some of the apps involved and they even had permission to take a dna sample and my firstborn. They had ALL the permissions. I guess my question is, did oem just flash my stock rom? I've rooted successfully but I'm pretty green otherwise.