ok, so after the equivalent of almost a full day. i have finally fixed me HTC Dream. "Frankenstein"
originally when i first started to try and gain root access. something went terrible wrong. i flashed the wrong FW onto my phone. so it thought it was a T-mobile G1, instead of a Rogers HTC Dream. at first i was alright. then i got to the google sign in page...bastards. it had the T-mobile radio so it would not connect to my data plan.
"Fix" - i downloaded windows Android SDK.
-went into CMD and "cd" to the tools folder.
-plug in the phone
-type "adb devices"
-type "adb shell"
-type "am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.android.settings/.Settings"
that bypasses the google sign in, and goes into your wireless settings. just connect to a wifi connection, and get past that bastard.
so my phone still does not have a data connection.
APN Settings (Rogers and Fido)
* Name: Rogers
* APN: internet.com
* Username: wapuser1
* Password: wap
* MCC: 302
* MNC: 72 (or try 720 with newer SIM cards)
3. Press Menu
originally when i first started to try and gain root access. something went terrible wrong. i flashed the wrong FW onto my phone. so it thought it was a T-mobile G1, instead of a Rogers HTC Dream. at first i was alright. then i got to the google sign in page...bastards. it had the T-mobile radio so it would not connect to my data plan.
"Fix" - i downloaded windows Android SDK.
-went into CMD and "cd" to the tools folder.
-plug in the phone
-type "adb devices"
-type "adb shell"
-type "am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.android.settings/.Settings"
that bypasses the google sign in, and goes into your wireless settings. just connect to a wifi connection, and get past that bastard.
so my phone still does not have a data connection.
APN Settings (Rogers and Fido)
* Name: Rogers
* APN: internet.com
* Username: wapuser1
* Password: wap
* MCC: 302
* MNC: 72 (or try 720 with newer SIM cards)
3. Press Menu