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So long, net neutrality? FCC to propose new pay-for-preferential treatment rules | PCWorld
The FCC proposal would allow broadband
providers to charge higher traffic
management prices to Web services that
they see as competitors, and dealing with
issues on a case-by-case basis would cause
confusion for Web entrepreneurs, Weinberg
added. “This standard allows ISPs to impose
a new price of entry for innovation on the
Internet,” he said.
Free Press President and CEO Craig Aaron
called on the FCC to pass “real” net
neutrality rules.
“With this proposal, the FCC is aiding and
abetting the largest ISPs in their efforts to
destroy the open Internet,” he said by email.
“Giving ISPs the green light to implement
pay-for-priority schemes will be a disaster
for startups, nonprofits and everyday Internet
users who cannot afford these unnecessary
tolls. These users will all be pushed onto the
Internet dirt road, while deep pocketed
Internet companies enjoy the benefits of the
newly created fast lanes.”