Android Enthusiast
LinPak results are the latest talking point for Android 2.2 users.
Checkout this list of Android phones running the LinPak benchmark.
LinPak Benchmark Results by Device
You can download LinPak from MarketPlace.
LinPak Android Speed test benchmark
and check your own score.
Unfortunately my phone is nowhere near the fastest, as can be seen in this video of my phone. I'm only on 2.1, and even then I've still a way to go to catch the fastest GT-I5700.
Beerkan's Galaxy Lite LinPak Score
Now lets see how you fair.
Checkout this list of Android phones running the LinPak benchmark.
LinPak Benchmark Results by Device
You can download LinPak from MarketPlace.
LinPak Android Speed test benchmark
and check your own score.
Unfortunately my phone is nowhere near the fastest, as can be seen in this video of my phone. I'm only on 2.1, and even then I've still a way to go to catch the fastest GT-I5700.
Beerkan's Galaxy Lite LinPak Score
Now lets see how you fair.