Android Expert
This is the Enigma Framework thread .
I am willing to make some frameworks .
But you need to be clear about what you want.
you cant install framework
you will have to push it .
In adb shell SU mode
#busybox mount rw,remount /system in r/w
#chmod 777 /system/framework
now in cmd
adb push C:\framework-res.apk /system/framework-res.apk
adb push C:\twframework-res.apk /system/twframework-res.apk
Framework modding is an extensive subject which can only gained with experience
Start here
I usually take theme requests but no one replies on the blog .
Send me the Icon package color preference ..........
Skilled Black is solid theme
Sometimes your phone can brick if packaged wrong .
I am willing to make some frameworks .
But you need to be clear about what you want.
you cant install framework
you will have to push it .
In adb shell SU mode
#busybox mount rw,remount /system in r/w
#chmod 777 /system/framework
now in cmd
adb push C:\framework-res.apk /system/framework-res.apk
adb push C:\twframework-res.apk /system/twframework-res.apk
Framework modding is an extensive subject which can only gained with experience
Start here
I usually take theme requests but no one replies on the blog .
Send me the Icon package color preference ..........
Skilled Black is solid theme
Sometimes your phone can brick if packaged wrong .