I'm using a Samsung Galaxy A8, running Android 9. Now recently, for some unknown reason, the Google app has started misbehaving. It's eating the majority of the CPU cycles and the battery life. Over the course of last week, it's used 1h 18m in active use, but it's used up 3d 18h in background use! It's been the biggest power hog among all of the apps. I've got it set to be put to sleep when not in use, but it's still using up all of these CPU cycles. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I think the problems started after a recent Android security update, the May 1st, 2020 security patch level. Even though the security patch says "May 1st", it actually just came to my system last week. Is there any known issues with this security patch, or any known issues about the Google app right now?
The version of the Google app is: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox (301091351)
Installation date: Mar 15 2019.
Has there been an updated version of this app released?
The version of the Google app is: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox (301091351)
Installation date: Mar 15 2019.
Has there been an updated version of this app released?