Ever since the first Android powered phone hit the market I have been overwhelmed by the amount of positive response it has received. From the number of manufacturers adopting and adapting this new and completely developer friendly OS, all the way to iPhone users switching because they enjoy the customisation and implementation of awesome UI perks. So it definitely is amazing to see that, in the short space of a year, there has been a release of a mobile phone which rivals the ‘hypery’ of the original iPhone > and a phone which, until now?, has been a real direct alternative to the iPhone.
Of course, the question mark within the above paragraph is there because of Apple revealing a private event on the 27th of Jan, which could be the dwelling of a new updated version of the iPhone OS. Although, this is not official yet – but if it is, I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple updated the UI to offer multi tasking. Another reason I write ‘until now’ is because Android is still playing catch up – come on, you have to agree on that, and Apple is still the one leading. And so it could really rattle the Android OS to see their latest 2.1 update look far out dated to the new iPhone OS update.
Of course, my assumptions are pre-tense, they are a prediction – man, if I had a time machine. . well, I would be bringing a PS4 home and an iPhone 4G, possibly a Nexus Two aswell < and from that I would become the most famous blogger in the world (mwahaha).
But unfortunately I have no time machine, only common sense – and a web site, and so I have my imagination only. But by no means is having an imagination a bad thing, I mean, it has always stood humanity in good stead when looking forward to the future. Google was created out of imagination, as was the Mac design, the contour of Ferraris – in fact, i’ll bet you can not think of anything that wasn’t made, thought up of or said without imagination. And ‘yes’ and ‘no’ do not count.
And so begins the main topic; The Nexus One, right, you may have read my post covering the Nexus One sales for its first week; if you did not, then here is the graph which I included:
I have seen this graph a few times, no – lets be honest, I have seen this graph hundreds of times > this thing has been blogged to death. Bored I am of the true dribble some people come out with. Anybody that says ‘thats because the Nexus one is shit’ is either an idiot, or a mentalist. I’d guess both. And have a heard a lot of people say it. That means that, through all the Tech Blogs I have read which include any sort of’ ‘The Nexus is shit’ > around 8 out of 20 for every 20, they are written by idiotic mentalists. Either that, or they miss the point of the Nexus completely.
If you want to hear my justification you can find the original and rest of the article here: The N1 is a hit
Of course, the question mark within the above paragraph is there because of Apple revealing a private event on the 27th of Jan, which could be the dwelling of a new updated version of the iPhone OS. Although, this is not official yet – but if it is, I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple updated the UI to offer multi tasking. Another reason I write ‘until now’ is because Android is still playing catch up – come on, you have to agree on that, and Apple is still the one leading. And so it could really rattle the Android OS to see their latest 2.1 update look far out dated to the new iPhone OS update.
Of course, my assumptions are pre-tense, they are a prediction – man, if I had a time machine. . well, I would be bringing a PS4 home and an iPhone 4G, possibly a Nexus Two aswell < and from that I would become the most famous blogger in the world (mwahaha).
But unfortunately I have no time machine, only common sense – and a web site, and so I have my imagination only. But by no means is having an imagination a bad thing, I mean, it has always stood humanity in good stead when looking forward to the future. Google was created out of imagination, as was the Mac design, the contour of Ferraris – in fact, i’ll bet you can not think of anything that wasn’t made, thought up of or said without imagination. And ‘yes’ and ‘no’ do not count.
And so begins the main topic; The Nexus One, right, you may have read my post covering the Nexus One sales for its first week; if you did not, then here is the graph which I included:

I have seen this graph a few times, no – lets be honest, I have seen this graph hundreds of times > this thing has been blogged to death. Bored I am of the true dribble some people come out with. Anybody that says ‘thats because the Nexus one is shit’ is either an idiot, or a mentalist. I’d guess both. And have a heard a lot of people say it. That means that, through all the Tech Blogs I have read which include any sort of’ ‘The Nexus is shit’ > around 8 out of 20 for every 20, they are written by idiotic mentalists. Either that, or they miss the point of the Nexus completely.
If you want to hear my justification you can find the original and rest of the article here: The N1 is a hit