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The special relationship just got a bit more.. special

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Who'd have thought, Boris Johnson is now the most powerful politician in the UK. Hard Brexit, here we come!

The question is, how much of the current cabinet will be left after the dust settles? No problem for Boris though, he'll just replace them with hardline Brexiteers.
Yes, though nobody apart from 90,000 party members got to vote on this.

That said, he also has a majority of 1 (and that only through a deal with an extremist minority party), with more than one of his MPs publicly considering changing party and a number suggesting that they would be prepared to vote to bring their own party's Government down if necessary to stop him. So it's hardly a recipe for stable Government even if it weren't a lazy, narcissistic clown with no interest in facts at the helm, and a Cabinet that includes two ministers who had been sacked for misdemeanors in public office within the last year (John Rentoul of The Independent is reportedly running a sweepstake on which Cabinet member will be the first to (be forced to) resign: my money is on Patel).
Honestly I saw this one coming when he didn't put his name forward after Cameron quit. He knew he could never delivery all the bull he promised so he left the impossible to someone else. Now whatever happens is May's fault and not his. The guy might seem like an idiot but he's not as stupid as he looks. Just hoping there's enough opposition to stop us crashing out without a deal. Looking like a no deal means chlorine chicken and Google don't have to pay taxes like the rest of us.
Actually Trump has this week said that a condition for a deal is that US tech companies don't pay taxes on their activities here, i.e. that the measures Hammond announced that are due to come into effect next year are dropped. Johnson has said he supports them, but he always says what he thinks the people he's speaking to want to hear and it never means anything. Truss (in charge of trade) believes in bending over for anyone with money or power, so will happily sell the country out for nothing.
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