I jumped and did not look back.
I know everyone is going to have a different experience but my love/hate relationship with Verizon ended in me paying the ETF and getting out.
They have some really bad areas here in town that they created - they used to not be there.
Aside from bad areas the call quality went into the floor and sounds robotic at times.
Lest we recall the Galaxy Nexus one way mute bug - which started to happen on my Rezound.... making that a NETWORK problem .....
I actually doubt that device had -any- problems after experiencing the same issues on several Rezounds.
The straw that broke the camels back after getting literally 11 replacement phones (many Galaxy Nexii and HTC Rezounds) and not having any issues resolved was a conversation that went like this:
Me: I can no longer make calls in areas that I was able to do so previously, now I get "no service" or dropped calls with weak or no signal.
Verizon: I am sorry you are having coverage problems. We work hard to make sure we have the most reliable network in the US.
Me: Well I can't make or get calls on my Verizon phone for most of the day because this location just happens to be where I work. Can you put in a trouble ticket or something and have your engineers look into it? This is a new problem that has only started in the last couple of months and I have been trying and pleading for someone to look into this to no avail.
Verizon: Please give me the address where you are having trouble.
Me: (gives rep address)
Verizon: According to our coverage map this location should have excellent service and you should not have any trouble making or receiving calls.
Me: I already checked the coverage map and it clearly shows me as being in a 4G area and not an extended area. I don't get voice OR data here.
Verizon: The coverage maps are approximate and may show areas as having service when they really do not. We try our best to make sure this information is as accurate as possible.
Me: I did not have this problem here just 3 months ago, that is what I am trying to tell you - there is a new problem and I think you should have it checked.
Verizon: I can try to report this issue for you, can you give me the address again?
Me: Gives address.. again...
Verizon: I cannot put in a request because the coverage map shows that this address should have excellent coverage for both 4G and voice calls.
Me: You just said that the coverage map might not be ... WAIT NEVER MIND ... DERP DE DERP....
Not saying that T-Mobile is better, but around here they are because I can make calls, get calls, get texts .....
It works... and Verizon went downhill and the reps have this "we are the best" bug stuffed up really high.
I get really tripped out when they cite their coverage map as the gospel truth then when it's found to be flawed they point to a disclaimer at the bottom that says it might be inaccurate.
When I pointed that out to T-Mobile because they also have some inaccuracies on their map the response was: I will put in a ticket and have someone check into this.
The girl may have been blowing smoke but at least they did not regurgitate some apple-esqe marketing material.
Good luck with your search - but note one thing over Verizon.....
Your call quality might be better... dont ask me why but GSM phones just sound better to me.