Finally it's here - an app that supports the old favorite from the Palm world - the folding ThinkOutside keyboard which in my opinion is one of the best devices ever made for mobile computing.
External Keyboard Helper Pro from apedroid. No special setup necessary, works like a champ. I have not tested wierd keys like control, alt, cmd, windows etc. but for text entry of alphanumerics and punctuation it's working fine, I am typing this on it. The blue and green shift keys work just fine.
Samsung Galaxy SII
Note: Samsung's lame force-the-samsung-keyboard-as-default issue is there, but the workaround is easy and it is documented in the application's help. I'm a very happy camper now.
External Keyboard Helper Pro from apedroid. No special setup necessary, works like a champ. I have not tested wierd keys like control, alt, cmd, windows etc. but for text entry of alphanumerics and punctuation it's working fine, I am typing this on it. The blue and green shift keys work just fine.
Samsung Galaxy SII
Note: Samsung's lame force-the-samsung-keyboard-as-default issue is there, but the workaround is easy and it is documented in the application's help. I'm a very happy camper now.