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Root This is what Kyocera thinks of it's customers!


I contacted Kyocera and this is how the email train went.

Me to Kyocera: When are we going to see the unlocker for the bootloader on the Event? Tell the big wigs that this may hurt sale in the mobile devision. This may very well be the last kyocera phone I buy as well as many other users in the android community.

Kyocera to me: Thank you for contacting Kyocera Communications Inc. This message is in response to your email regarding such codes to unlock the phone.

Well, Mr. XXXX, do allow me to infrom you that, us as the manufacturer we will never provide such codes to unlock the phone. Due to the fact, that if we provide such codes that will void the warranty of the phone and whenever the phone brakes down if it does, we won't be able to provide any service whatsoever unliess you pay for the repairs. Also, if we provide such codes, we will enabling you the rooting of the phone. More than important about this, it is against THE LAW.

The only available way to get such codes, if they want to provide such codes, is the service provider. But they are not obliged to provide such codes.

Me to kyocera: In regards to the legality of rooting a phone, here is what the Congressional Librarian says is now legal:

'"Computer programs that enable wireless telephone handsets to execute lawfully obtained software applications, where circumvention is accomplished for the sole purpose of enabling interoperability of such applications with computer programs on the telephone handset."

Translated: as long as you're not using (or creating) root tools to do anything illegal, it's fine to enable your phone to run things that the manufacturer or carrier didn't intend. For those wondering, that whole "lawfully obtained software applications" means that rooting your phone doesn't magically make it legal to pirate apps. Also, the exemption only covers enabling new software to run. Circumventing existing software to, we'll say, allow a phone to run on another carrier will not be legal.'

HTC issued this as part of a press release;

HTC is committed to listening to users and delivering customer satisfaction. We have heard your voice and starting now, we will allow our bootloader to be unlocked for 2011 models going forward. Please keep an eye on this website for more details on which devices will be adding this feature. We are extremely pleased to see the energy and enthusiasm from our fans and loyal customers, and we are excited to see what you are capable of. HTC eagerly anticipates your innovations.

It is our responsibility to caution you that not all claims resulting or caused by or from the unlocking of the bootloader may be covered under warranty. Please note that unlocking your bootloader does not mean that you will be able to unlock the SIM lock. Unlocking your SIM lock is at the discretion of your operator/carrier and is not part of the bootloader unlocking scope.

I am not an idiot. I am not attempting to move my phone to another carrier. I simply want the opportunity to install a custom ROM to enable additional features on the handset. I love the look, feel and capabilities of the phone but I know it is capable of more. The beauty of the android system is that it is open source. If I wanted to support a proprietary OS I would own an Apple device. As for the warranty, I have a no questions asked warranty from a third party. It covers everything short of theft and loss. Please do not treat me as an idiot. The only idiotic decision I made was not doing my research on Kyocera devices before purchasing one.

That was a month ago and I have yet to hear back from them!
Guess they didn't like what you have to say cause its the truth. When I talked to tech support he told me that he couldn't give any information on the codes unless virgin mobile itself approved the codes to be given out.
Guess they didn't like what you have to say cause its the truth. When I talked to tech support he told me that he couldn't give any information on the codes unless virgin mobile itself approved the codes to be given out.

This and the OP are exactly why we don't have devs coming in droves at our service.

Even with that, I'm still happy with this phone. I actually like it better than the Rise. If I never rooted it, I'd still be happy with this, but I wanted a little extra edge. Just doing the egl fix corrects a huge problem with phones like this one.
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