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Help This Phone is HOTTT,...LITERALLY!!!!


I've had my Avant for a few months now and I love it, BUT, it seems to get hot from time to time. I have Clean Master and it says that my phone is 150+ degrees...I think I've seen it get up to 163 degrees. I mean it's too hot to even talk on the phone with it up to my ear!!

Is it a defective battery? Does anyone know how to fix this? Will MetroPCS replace or correct this issue????
First of all get rid of clean master, that's probably part of the problem. Even if it isn't it doesn't benefit you in the slightest.
Does it get that hot while in use? Or do you set it down and come back to find it that hot? Any apps keeping your phone awake could make it heat up.
Sounds like background apps. Also 4G Data can heat up the phone so a combination of a background app pegging the processor and also transmitting data.. this can happen. Example.. Streaming Netflix over 4G makes a great hand warmer.
Agree with the advice on Clean master. It's utterly useless.

If your phone is too hot to hold/use, it could well be defective. What are you doing/running at the time or is this just normal use?
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