Android Expert
Just a note of caution for you Ladies and Gents about 3/Hutchison Telecom and their 4G/LTE roll out.
If like me you have a 4G phone (HTC One), and don't live in a 4G area, don't expect to get 4G when you travel into a 4G area. It is their policy NOT to update your phone with the 4G settings even if you request it, they will only update your settings if 4 you live in an area where 4G has already been rolled out!
Stupid 3.
If like me you have a 4G phone (HTC One), and don't live in a 4G area, don't expect to get 4G when you travel into a 4G area. It is their policy NOT to update your phone with the 4G settings even if you request it, they will only update your settings if 4 you live in an area where 4G has already been rolled out!
Stupid 3.