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"Tip this" Button Suggestion


Android Enthusiast
I have a suggestion dealing with how credit is given when a person uses the "tip this" button. I recently used the tip button to inform phandroid of these pictures from the Gnex prerelease thread. Boxes Of Galaxy Nexi Arriving At Verizon And RadioShack Stores – One Reader Almost Goes Home With One

While I like being credited for pointing out information. I think that the majority of the credit should be given to the person whom originally posted the pictures. In this case, fmadrigal. As seen here, http://androidforums.com/samsung-ga...-steven-gets-free-nexus-1439.html#post3610586

I feel like I am facilitating the discovery, rather than actually bringing the information forward. Maybe both the tipper and the finder should be credited?

This is just a small suggestion to try to make the phandroid/androidforums community closer.
Thank you for your time.
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