So while the M9 hasn't been a great HTC phone (I'm now on my THIRD warranty replacement since getting it last fall), the most-recent handset has been running mostly fine until recently. Last week, I headed up to Canada. As soon as we hit the Telus servers (which is what Tmo lets you use while roaming), it prompted an update, which it wouldn't let me ignore. Did the update. Came home. Seemingly ok.
However, a few days later, the unit massively overheated and drained while it was in standby (?!), and once it had cooled down had lost mobile data. Nothing would switch it on - and it wasn't just mobile data, but the phone connection as well - and when I hit the button in settings to toggle it on, got the error message, " has stopped working" etc.
Tried suggestions I found on line, none of which worked, so grudgingly backed it up and did a factory reset. The version number of the software is still the one that I downloaded in Canada (I remember the ".12").
Android 6.0
Security Patch level August 1, 2016
Htc Sense 7
Software number 3.39.531.12
Build number
3.39.531.12.CL690290 release-keys
Worked fine for a few days, but this morning did the same thing AGAIN. This time, however, it offered to let me "reset all apps to defaults". Aha! This got the connection back, so it is functional.
However, this is a major pain in the backside, as it means I"m constantly being prompted for app permissions (the update it received was the "security patch"), so every time I go to use something, I have to dig around again, usually get prompted about the "overlay" setting or download permissions, and have to figure out how to find that, which is surprisingly not obvious. Multiply this by just about every app on the phone, and you'll appreciate this is less than helpful when I just want to make a phone call, look up a phone number, download an email attachment, or listen to a track....
In any case- thoughts? Is this something Tmo support should advise? Should I just give up and buy a Samsung? Sadly, that's the way I fear I'll have to go eventually anyway since Tmo no longer offers the 10
However, a few days later, the unit massively overheated and drained while it was in standby (?!), and once it had cooled down had lost mobile data. Nothing would switch it on - and it wasn't just mobile data, but the phone connection as well - and when I hit the button in settings to toggle it on, got the error message, " has stopped working" etc.
Tried suggestions I found on line, none of which worked, so grudgingly backed it up and did a factory reset. The version number of the software is still the one that I downloaded in Canada (I remember the ".12").
Android 6.0
Security Patch level August 1, 2016
Htc Sense 7
Software number 3.39.531.12
Build number
3.39.531.12.CL690290 release-keys
Worked fine for a few days, but this morning did the same thing AGAIN. This time, however, it offered to let me "reset all apps to defaults". Aha! This got the connection back, so it is functional.
However, this is a major pain in the backside, as it means I"m constantly being prompted for app permissions (the update it received was the "security patch"), so every time I go to use something, I have to dig around again, usually get prompted about the "overlay" setting or download permissions, and have to figure out how to find that, which is surprisingly not obvious. Multiply this by just about every app on the phone, and you'll appreciate this is less than helpful when I just want to make a phone call, look up a phone number, download an email attachment, or listen to a track....
In any case- thoughts? Is this something Tmo support should advise? Should I just give up and buy a Samsung? Sadly, that's the way I fear I'll have to go eventually anyway since Tmo no longer offers the 10