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Help Touchy Touchscreen

Old Man

Android Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2010
Marietta, GA
Anyone else experiencing what seems to be a very poor responding touchscreen? Things like trying to flick between screens ending up with the home screen 'bouncing' but not changing. Or having difficulty moving icons and widgets to where it takes multiple tries to be able to move something on the screen or delete a preinstalled widget. Or flicking up or down in Contacts moving the screen just a few names (I got a rapid 'fly by' just once and have not been able to recreate it, the contact list on my old Voyager works much better). Or an unlock bar that seems to fight you if you move too fast. Or that seems to get worse in many of these after you do anything, e.g. if you add an app or move a shortcut icon then the screen response gets worse until you let the phone 'rest'. And all this occurs even with data disabled, Wi-Fi and GPS off, etc.

Maybe it is just us being bad at using the screens, but we also seem to be getting poor battery life. Are there some running services that might be causing all this? Would a Factory Rest potentially help? Any other ideas? Or is it time to see about a replacement?

Added: Factory Reset did not help with touchscreen issues, but may have helped with battery life.


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