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Transfer data to new phone without card

I really should have thought of this sooner, but... :)

I just bought a new Nexus 4 (yay!), and it's charging now. My old phone is a Samsung Vibrant. I want to transfer all of my old data over.

PIM data of course I can just get from Google, and downloadable apps I can just redownload, no biggie. However, application data doesn't do that. I'm thinking mostly of game state, saved games, and some apps that don't have cloud-sync. (Yes, they exist; amazing, eh?)

When I had to replace my Vibrant under warranty I used Titanium Backup to dump everything to my microSD card and then restore from it. Worked great. Problem: The Nexus 4 has no card slot. Now what?

How do I transfer over arbitrary data when there's no removable media to transfer it on?


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