Many of us own their personal websites or blogs with high quality content , and large traffic,but they dosn't have an android app for theire website , wich mean that they lose a big important traffic from app store such google play app store,amazon app store , iOs app store .
to be honest now you can creat an android app for your website in just few steps , this android tutorial will teach you how to buil app for website using android studio .so lets start converting a website to an android app , As an examp we will work on our website : nulledmobileapps an make an app to run the website as webpages inside android webview , wi will creat an intro animated splash screen for our android app , using android studio to generate icons with different android dimensions and density,working with webview settings , allow zoom In/Zoom Out , Loading webview indicator,
Material design ,working with navigation drawer ,and learn how to add responsive admob banner and how to link your app to firebase Then finally Generate Signed APK ready to publish.
Link Tutorial