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Typing with a big button onscreen keyboard


How about typing with a big button onscreen keyboard?

- 9 big buttons instead of 26 small ones.
- Just 1.35 taps per letter on the average.
- It's alike QWERTY that you already know of.
- You can type all the symbols and numbers also with big buttons.
- You can move the cursor with left/right/up/down arrow keys.

We have released 1.0 version for free.
Search for "SmallQWERTY keyboard" on the Android Market, and try it yourself.
It will surely fulfill your typing needs.

Thanks, and happy typing! :)

A short demo video:
YouTube - Surely you can do better than this.

A snapshot image:
Hi, I was just looking for an alternative keyboard for my HTC Magic 32a sold by TIM (HTC-branded).
I've installed it, but as long as I select it as input method, it just crash.
ganassa, it's strange that it crashed. In fact, we just can't confirm every thing, but I'd like to believe that Android is stable enough. Anyway, I'm sorry about that. It may be our fault not to catch every bug. If possible, please try installing it again. We'd do our best to fix any problems with our software as soon as possible.
ganassa, it's strange that it crashed. In fact, we just can't confirm every thing, but I'd like to believe that Android is stable enough. Anyway, I'm sorry about that. It may be our fault not to catch every bug. If possible, please try installing it again. We'd do our best to fix any problems with our software as soon as possible.

I'm sure it's not your fault: it could be due to my specific brand (HTC+TIM), or to some apps I've installed that conflict with SmallQWERTY, and in this case it's obvious that you could not have traced this bug.
I'd be happy to help you by attempt to trace errors, but I'm pretty new to the Android world and I still don't know how to get apps logs or whatever useful for error tracking. If you have some suggest to obtain information about the problem on my phone, please let me know and I'll try to help you. Just consider my Magic is not rooted at now, and I won't hack it, at least for now.
I'm really curious about this new kind of keyboard.
ganassa, Thanks for your kind attitude. I tried to find ways to get helped, but I couldn't find appropriate one. Since we will keep upgrading our software, I hope bugs disappear meanwhile. Thanks again and we hope our keyboard be a useful tool to users.
I downloaded the application to test it out, but it did not work on my Sprint HTC Hero. I received a Launch error message. I rebooted and still the same message when trying to launch.

TS out
Steve, by smallQWERTY we mean a smaller version of QWERTY in every aspect. Button sizes don't matter here. The structure is reduced from 26 buttons to 9 or 3x3 like the standard ABC layout. There could be better name, but we currently name this layout as smallQWERTY. We have found this layout so useful at many applications of mobile and assistive technology. Thanks for your interest and I hope we can deliver this useful concept through our homepage or whatever media. :)
twospirits, I'm sorry about the error. We might have missed something while developing. It is based on the current version of Android SDK, and we have tested it on Google dev phone as well as the Android emulator. It's not easy to get different phones here, but anyhow we should try to get and test them to guess why the errors occur. We will do our best to deliver our software as good as possible to run on any platforms. Thanks for your post to let us know about the error message. I hope we can solve the problem soon.
Are there short cuts similar to blackberry keyboard. Can u type hel and have it come out he'll? Is there a "replace dictionary" where i could type "n" and have it come out and or &? Thanks.
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