If the government had gotten it's act together decades ago when they seen the s**t hit
the fan during the 76 drought they would have done the national grid of reservoirs.
In doing the grid they could have diverted water from rivers that were at risk of causing
serious flooding and filled the bloody reservoirs or divert it where it could do no harm!
As I sat in my fathers Landrover discovery suffering with a migraine caused by the
atmospheric pressures, I was thinking this. When it did start to rain and thunder and
lightening, as I watched the car park flood as the drains could not cope with the rain
bouncing to waste hight, my migraine had gone but the lightening was hitting the hospital
it's self!
All those lightening strikes affected the power supply and telephone lines in Hartlepool,
Stockton-on-Tees, Billingham, and my village too.
I came home to find there must have been a surge, and although protected one way the
house had not been protected another! The modem and the wifi switches on the property
had acted as alternative surge protectors protecting the pc's and laptops.
I have a spare modem and had to use connectors and bypass the wifi switches, in order
to get back online.
More expense but could have been a lot worse! :roll: