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Unplugging the type-C is hard, for you too?


So, I just received the 5x, awesome of course. It's still updating everything, but so far, so good.

One weird thing is the type-C connector. I had prepared and already purchased a few convertors, connectors, etc, all in type-C. However, all of them, including the official one, are hard to pull out. The force needed to unlodge the plug seems way higher than on older micro-usb connectors. It almost feels like I am missing some lever to push to make it easier. Anyone else notice this? Remarks?
You're lucky, mine almost pops out instantly. I got my 5X for a week now and I almost can't hold it while charging, because it pops out. The cable is really fat n heavy BTW...
The weird thing is, Just since a few days I hear a Click when pushing the cable in, and now its very solid connected, requiring some force to be pulled out. But I like it, at least way more than loose. I suppose it will get looser over time and uses...
My experience with USB micro was that they took nothing but a slight tremor or a hard look to fall out of the connector. The USB c feels like it snaps in and snaps out. It's certainly not difficult to remove.

Other than the hassle, and the fact that not all cables are equal, I like USB c.
I do usually have to use two hands with mine. As with most of the other posters, I'd rather it were too tight than too loose.
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