I have 3 HTC One phones that received today with no service. I need to get ready for a show to show off our mobile app. They all came with Android 4.1. I was able to steal a sim card out of another one of our users cell phones because it appears that even though I have a wifi connection I still need AT&T service to update the OS. and was able to update 2 of the phones OTA to 4.3 but it says the phone is up to date and will not check for updates again for another 24 hours. Is there a way to update these all to 4.4 on my computer through a USB connection?
I have a LG G2 and Galaxy S4 i would like to update to 4.4 as well if it is available yet for those devices.
I have a LG G2 and Galaxy S4 i would like to update to 4.4 as well if it is available yet for those devices.