Just went through the upgrade process and chatted with a CSR, this was the conversation. Buyer BEWARE!!!
You are now chatting with 'Latoya'
Latoya: Hi! My name is Latoya with the Verizon Wireless Sales Team. I am available to answer your questions and help you place an order. May I have your name, please?
Hello: Hello
Latoya: Hi Hello, how may I assist you today?
Hello: I am interested in upgrading my existing phone, but I wish to keep my unlimited data plan, I was under the impression that the only way to keep the unlimited data plan was to pay full price for the new phone
Hello: however when going through the verizon website the option to keep my unlimited plan is still available
Hello: before I commit to anything I want to be 100% sure that there are no mistakes and that the unlimited data plan will remain in effect even with the discounted price for the upgraded phone
Latoya: I do apologize. It is a error within Verizon the only way to keep your unlimited data plan is by paying full retail price for the device.
Hello: I thought that may be the case but I have heard conflicting reports from people who have spoken with CSR's such as yourself, the responses seem to be split 50/50.
Hello: Those who have upgraded while this error is on the website, what will happen with their accounts?
Latoya: They will have to switch to the correct data plan.
Hello: So they just lost their unlimited data plans then. Seems to be a good "error" for Verizon to have made especially since the unlimited plans seem to be so unwanted by the company
Hello: can you verify this through a supervisor, or have the CSR's received this information in the last few days while this error has been in effect?
Latoya: Yes I can! One moment please.
Latoya: Thank you for holding for me. I checked with my supervisor and she verified the same information for me. We certainly do apologize for any misinformation but we want to make sure customers are aware of any impact on their services. Could she help clarify the process any for you?
Hello: That is the information I was looking for, in summary, if I wish to keep my unlimited data plan I must pay full retail for a new phone. The Verizon website is in error and anyone using their susidized upgrade at this time while attempting to maintain an unlimited data plan will be switched to another data plan when the error is corrected. Do I have this all correct?
Latoya: Yes you do!
Hello: Thank you. I would suggest removing that option from the website as it has already caused problems and the longer it is up, the more issues there will be.