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upgrade tablet's android


I bought a tablet in 2013 and the things just keeps on ticking. One problem i noticed is however the tablets default android is way too outdated that games do not even run at all or properly on it (especially newer games) as the devs do not support the older android versions. Buying a new one seems ridiculous as the tablet works fine.

I would like to flash or update my android version to something newer. How can i do this?

ASUS Model: ME302C

Android 4.3

Kernel: 3.4.43

I would like to at least get up to android 7.1.1 or higher.

I dont remember when or how, but i must of rooted this tablet a long time ago as if i run root checker, it says i have root. I use to that stuff many years ago, but havent done it in a long time. Based on this, i surely root it. But i am not sure if that matters if the only way is to flash it with a new android system?
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It does not appear that Asus ever released an update beyond 4.3 so you're out of luck there. The only other option would be a third-party ROM since it's rooted, you can search for one but since this is a very old device it's unlikely there is any recent development for it (assuming there was any to begin with). In addition it is probably hardware-limited and thus unable to newer firmware and apps anyway.
Given all of the above it's time to think about moving on to a newer device.
I agree, it's time to shop around for a new or at least newer tablet.
The issue being the Android platform is not the same as a desktop operating system, like with Linux, Mac, or Windows. There is no such thing as an 'Android Install disc' that allows one to install a generic Android OS on any mobile device. Android instead uses ROMs, where each ROM is created to only work with each individual device model. Each ROM contains only the software that corresponds with its particular model, and while most devices look really similar to each other as far as general appearance, there's always at least some but usually a very different hardware configuration inside. Different components use different drivers and firmware, so that's why each ROM is unique for its matching device. There's an additional problem that's been a long-standing problem with Android in that the manufacturers and carriers insisted on being responsible for version upgrades and security updates, mostly because they wanted more control over the branding of the bloatware they add to the products they sell. But they not just individually but collectively did a really horrible job at that, the result being a lot of devices running crapware most consumers don't want or need, and a broken security structure with most devices that will never be updated or upgraded. Currently Google is taking active steps to take control back, but this involves only newer devices and still leaves a lot of older devices, like yours vulnerable and with lessor functionality as a lot of online services stop supporting access to out of date devices.
So in your instance Asus made your tablet and then created a ROM for it. But unfortunately Asus opted to stop supporting your model of tablet once it released the 4.3 upgrade to you, your options are to either lower your expectations accordingly or get buy something new.
Thanks you. That was very informative.

I did try this solution.
But i came to a road block when the TWRP Recovery option does not list my tablet model at all (or anywhere near it).

I dont know, i just hate the idea of having to buy a new device every 6 years just because devs will not support old versions of android (understandably so). But am unable to update. I just dont want to buy a new device and come to find out 6 years down the road to be at the same issue again. If there was a way to assure 100% that a certain tablet would get android updates to a specific version, i would be more inclined to buy a new device.

Thanks for the info. I was hoping someone would have a magic link to remedy this, but it doesnt look as so that would happen. Ill probably just keep using the old tablet and say screw new apps that dont work on it then. Im not going to buy a new tablet until it dies. My goal is to get it to last another 6 years. Maybe by then it will just be a web browsing tablet only. Maybe ill install a linux desktop over top of it completely then.
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Even if there was, say a Nougat ROM available for your model, (there isn't) there's still the matter where its hardware configuration is from six years ago.
There's an unavoidable hardware limitation that even new software cannot compensate for.
Plus, the battery life must be an issue by now. That's also unavoidable, mobile device batteries age even under the best of conditions and coddling.
That is the weird part. The battery holds a charge for a long time still (the original battery). Ive never seen anything like it. Ive never seen a difference in battery loss from when it was new like i do with my phone(s). Its like it has a nuclear power plant inside. Ive never had to repair this tablet at all. The touch screen works flawlessly, the screen is not scratched, the buttons all work, etc. If you didnt know its hardware and software was old, you would think its a brand new tablet. Ive mostly used it as a toilet or bedside web browsing (mobile browsing around the house). So its never been dropped, or bouncing around a car, etc.

Is there any ROM higher than 4.3 for this device? Like if 5 or 6 could handle the hardware i would be willing to flash it up a little with a chance of more apps working. I understand that the hardware is locked in at where it is. But i would assume that at least 5 would be able to handle the hardware. I know games would still have issues if they require more hardware, but i would like to at least try to download them. But i am unable to since the android is so outdated, the store doesnt even show it up for me. Which i am assuming is because not of hardware, but because it sees my android as 4.3?

90% of apps do work. I was just trying to get newer apps to work, like stardew valley. That was the game i was trying to get to work with this venture. Im noticing now that about 50% of new games will not be available, or not work. But the other 50% does. Im grateful for that at least. But that really sucks you cant just resintall android like Arch Linux on an old desktop. I would of assumed someone would of made a remedy for something like this..such as a rolling release android that can handle old devices, etc.? Then your only limitation is the hardware, not the software....not both.
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As we've said, there was never any ROM released for this device beyond 4.3 either by Asus or an independent developer. So unfortunately you're out of luck here.
Also just because you "assume" that the hardware would be able to handle a later OS doesn't mean it's true, but it's a moot point since the ROM you seek doesn't exist.
FWIW I have an HP Touchpad from 2011 that still works perfectly but is pretty useless.
I bought a tablet in 2013 and the things just keeps on ticking.
I hear you! I also have a 2013 tablet, a Kindle Fire HD 8.9" which I rooted, so it looks and acts like any other Android device. It runs great!

Due to circumstance, I'm not using it much lately, but when I do it still does everything I need. I used to play Candy Crush Soda Saga on it daily, and the game's automatic updates caused no issues.

But I've resigned myself to the fact that its days are numbered, even though--like yours--everything still works and it looks brand new. It's been in an Otterbox Defender case since the day I got it, and it has absolutely no damage. But at some point...
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