Before I left my home for another country, I left a phone (Galaxy Mini S5570) plugged into the wall outlet (240V).
I will not be back in the country for 16 days.
Will it explode or catch on fire if I leave the phone plugged in for 16 days? There's no one in the house.
Please reply as soon as possible as I'm contemplating whether to fly home or not to unplug the phone before an explosion or fire occurs.
Thank you.
Before I left my home for another country, I left a phone (Galaxy Mini S5570) plugged into the wall outlet (240V).
I will not be back in the country for 16 days.
Will it explode or catch on fire if I leave the phone plugged in for 16 days? There's no one in the house.
Please reply as soon as possible as I'm contemplating whether to fly home or not to unplug the phone before an explosion or fire occurs.
Thank you.